Terms & Conditions

Conditions for Acceptance of the Award

Scholars must be enrolled in a Masters of Education/Teaching or Teacher Certification Program. The scholarship may only be used towards educational expenses. Scholars agree to stay in contact with the ACS-Hach Programs up to five years after completing an educational program.

Conditions for Transfer

Transferring a scholarship to another institution is permissible provided that the scholar submits a written request 30 days before the start of a semester or quarter. In the request, the scholar must state his/her intent to transfer, provide evidence of good academic standing, and submit proof of admission to the new institution.

Deferment of Studies

It is the Scholar’s responsibility to notify the ACS-Hach Programs Office if enrollment is interrupted or delayed because of illness, accident, or other extenuating circumstances. Reinstatement of the award will be considered at the sole discretion of the ACS-Hach Advisory Board.

Provision of Current and Accurate Information

Each Scholar has the responsibility to keep the ACS-Hach Programs Office informed of current contact information (e.g., mailing address, telephone numbers, and e-mail address) during the scholarship and follow-up periods. This information is not disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to see this data. The information is used by the ACS-Hach Programs to contact Scholars for official scholarship communications and items of interest.

Academic Progress towards Degree/Certification

Scholars are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. If the scholar performs below a 3.0, the scholar will be placed on academic probation and has one semester or quarter to improve academic performance to the required GPA.

Scholarship Disbursement and Renewal

Scholarship disbursements are issued twice a year starting July 15th, for the Fall/Winter semester and starting January 9th, for the Spring/Summer semester. Disbursement amounts will be dependent upon enrollment at time of scholarship acceptance/renewal: $3,000 for full-time enrollment and $1,500 for part-time renewal.  Please plan accordingly.

Scholars are required to submit a current transcript at the end of the Fall/Winter semester by January 31, and the Spring/Summer semester by September 30, to receive the scholarship disbursement. If a scholar intends to renew the scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year, the scholar must complete and submit a renewal form by April 15, 2023.

Mentoring Requirement

All scholars are required to participate in a formal mentoring program either provided by ACS or by their school/school district upon completion of their program and employment as a high school science/chemistry teacher. The first few years of teaching can be challenging. Mentoring support is one of the key components identified by educators in helping them to meet and overcome those challenges. It also has been indicated by educators as a way to not just survive but thrive in their careers.  We want to see you thrive.


Academic and personal information submitted by the Scholar will remain in the files of ACS-Hach Programs during the period that the scholarship is in effect and will be retained up to seven years thereafter. All records are confidential and are available for reference only by the American Chemical Society.