International Chemical Sciences Chapters

ACS works to advance the field of chemistry around the world. Scientists outside the United States have formed International Chemical Sciences Chapters (ICSCs) to allow chemists within a geographic area to connect with one another, as well as ACS members around the world. Forming a chapter brings additional benefits to international members, beyond what they already enjoy as members of ACS.

To hear the real-life story of how ACS membership has been central to the success of chemist Dr. Jason Chruma, check out the video below:  

Youtube ID: UEx-LrZhBW8

Current Chapters:

Establish a Chapter in Your Region!

ACS encourages its international members to consider forming an ICSC as a means of staying connected with scientists in their region, and with the ACS membership around the world.

Grants and Awards

International Chapters are eligible for a number of awards and grant opportunities issued by ACS. Find out more information about them here:

Interested in International Student Chapters?

ACS Network

Connect with peers around the world on the ACS Network!