ACS International Strategic Alliances
More Guidelines and Details for the Development Approval Process
The following ground rules will apply in evaluating the merit of an alliance proposal:
- establish on-going, mutually beneficial scientific and educational activities;
- support of the ACS strategic plan;
- driven by science or educational purpose;
- be of a defined duration;
- avoid contravening, superseding or overlapping with other existing international agreements and arrangements of the ACS;
- be underpinned by specific metrics to evaluate success.
International strategic alliances can be characterized as nominal or financial. They should reflect multifaceted, diverse forms of collaboration designed to achieve the long term (at least three years) goals of the partners and should be distinguished from:
- one-time activities and event co-sponsorships;
- membership arrangements;
- requests for free access to ACS Publications and CAS products.
See Appendix A for a case study of an ACS international strategic alliance.
A formal memorandum of agreement should be entered into by the ACS and the proposed alliance partner. This memorandum should explicitly address the expectations of the parties, how the alliance will be implemented including the teams, the desired outcomes, (and as appropriate financial contributions) of the partners, applicable national laws, including intellectual property, extension and termination clauses, review mechanisms for the alliance and as appropriate, arbitration procedures. A sample memorandum of agreement follows under Appendix B.
ACS committees, members, divisions, local sections, or other ACS units may take the lead in initiating international alliances. The individual or unit is encouraged early in the process to contact the ACS Office of International Activities (OIA) and its Global Alliances and Partnerships (GAP) Manager for assistance in identifying and seeking background on potential partners and in navigating the international alliance approval process. Seeking support from other appropriate divisions, committees and units prior to submission to P&MR is also advised.
Appendix C provides a checklist to aid in the preparation of an international alliance proposal.
- Alliance requests are submitted to P&MR for consideration and action under a delegation of authority from the Board.
- Nominal alliance requests should be submitted to P&MR at least one month prior to the intended start date for action via email ballot. Alliance requests with concomitant requests for funding should be submitted to P&MR in time for inclusion as a P&MR agenda item as part of a regularly scheduled meeting.
- For each alliance proposal considered by P&MR, OIA staff analyzes the topic and conveys prior ACS partnership experience and other pertinent information in a briefing paper that is sent to the P&MR as background for the their review.
- Approval by two thirds majority of P&MR is required to approve an alliance. The chair has the option to seek Board ratification of any P&MR vote on an alliance approval.
- When reviewing alliance requests, PM&R members can offer suggestions for substantive changes. The PM&R chair and OIA staff determine whether proposed changes are significant enough to consult all Committee members before final action. The Chair, depending on the degree of proposed changes, may also involve the ACS unit that developed the statement in this process.
- Forward to the ACS Office of the Secretary and General Counsel and the ACS Executive Director for final approval.
ACS cooperative agreements are generally issued under the signature of the chair or of the relevant committee, technical division, local section or other ACS unit.
Alliances should be evaluated by the signatories annually and remain in force for a minimum of three years, unless repealed by the agreement signatories. An alliance may be renewed by P&MR for additional three-year periods.