Importantly, be open to digital communication. Applications such as Skype and Slack are what keep employees and customers connected. Getting comfortable running these applications and practicing good virtual etiquette will help you be a better contributor to your role.
If you have the freedom to do so, look for new applications or ways of doing business that streamline processes and make people’s lives easier. Every day a new company seems to launch a new app that can help us - be open to trying these out and changing your way of doing things!
The best advice I ever received from a mentor is “NEVER stop learning, because when you get comfortable, that’s when the world passes you by.” She was decades into her career, and during one of our discussions, I was curious as to why she was pursuing further education.
This person could easily comfortably retire in a few years, so I asked her what was the point being this far in her career? She smiled, said the aforementioned, and that it’s important to stay relevant. Continuing education is how you maintain and also the key to opening new doors of opportunity. You will never know if something bigger and better is waiting for you if you’re stuck on repeat
Stay relevant by taking coursework that is specifically designed to keep you current with skills in a digitized workplace. Make certain that this coursework is included in your resume under a "recent training" heading.
Also, make certain that you display this updated knowledge to upper management and peers by unabashedly using your new skillsets in PowerPoint presentations that will be widely seen by company audiences.
This article has been edited for length and clarity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of their employer or the American Chemical Society.
ACS Career Consultants are experts and leaders working in the field of chemistry who have volunteered to support other ACS members’ career development through one-on-one career counselling. They can stimulate your thinking, ask important career planning questions to help clarify goals, provide encouragement, teach strategies for making meaningful career decisions, and aid you in your job search. Connect with an ACS Career Consultant today!
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