Mahfuza Ali, a corporate scientist at the 3M Materials Resource Division, was recently recognized by the ACS with its 2020 Industrial Chemistry Award. Mahfuza is remarkable not only for the many other awards she has earned throughout her career, but also for her commitment to introducing science to students, and providing them with assistance to pursue their goals
Five award-winning Dow scientists collaborated to develop better packaging solutions for customers, and the planet. Their story underscores that success in industry relies on an inseverable bond between superior scientific knowledge and exceptional teamwork
Anil Kumar, an Associate Fellow in the Optical Division at PPG Industries, was recognized with the 2020 ACS Award for Creative Invention (sponsored by ACS Corporation Associates). Learn about how his work in photochromism and variable polarization led to this award
Sarah Eckersley tells the story behind how Dow solved a decades-long problem, making house paints greener and more efficient.
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