Committee on Meetings and Expositions


Meetings that advance the global chemistry enterprise.


Provide premiere meeting venues and platforms to amplify interdisciplinary chemical sciences and networking that are accessible and inclusive for all.


Goal 1: Increase participation and interaction on the Expo floor.

Goal 2: Optimize the Attendee experience to broaden participation in meetings.

Goal 3: Provide guidance and support to regional meeting local organizing committees and region boards to enhance the participant experience.

M&E Committee Charge

As detailed in ACS governing documents, the charge of the Committee on Meetings and Expositions gives the committee responsibility for the ACS Meetings Function. The duties of the Committee on Meetings and Expositions shall include the following, inter alia:

  • Study and make recommendations to the Council concerning policies and problems of meetings and expositions organized and operated by the SOCIETY, its Divisions, and groups of Local Sections
  • Study and make recommendations to the Council on dates and locations of meetings and expositions sponsored by the SOCIETY
  • Cooperate with the Committee on Divisional Activities in areas of mutual interest.

Who We Are

Committee Structure

The M&E Committee is one of six Standing Committees of the Council. As such, M&E is responsible to the Council and reports to the Council Policy Committee and the Council at each annual meeting of both bodies. The committee is obligated to submit an annual comprehensive report of its activities, which will become part of the official ACS record.

The ACS President, with the advice of the Committee on Committees (ConC), appoints the M&E Chair. The term of service is one calendar-year, and the Chair is limited to three successive one-year terms. The M&E Chair also serves as Co-Chair along with the Chair of the Committee on Division Activities (DAC) of the Future of Meetings (FoM) Working Group.

Amber Hinkle, 2024 M&E Committee Chair

Committee Membership

The ACS President-Elect, with advice from the Committee on Committees (ConC), appoints all members. Total membership should be no fewer than 12 members and no more than 20. Each appointment is for a two-year term and service is limited to three consecutive terms. Appointments are arranged to produce rotation. M&E may also have non-voting committee associates, also appointed by the President-Elect. Members annually elect the M&E Secretary.

Committee Organization

The Committee on Meetings & Exposition (M&E) Structure

The M&E Executive Committee is comprised of the Chair, Secretary, Staff Liaison, and the Subcommittee Chairs and Staff Liaisons. Staff Liaisons typically work in the ACS Department of Meetings and Expositions Services (DMES). The Executive Committee oversees planning and communications for the overall committee and reviews DMES recommendations regarding meeting fees, costs, dates and locations.  Any recommendations that will further need to be addressed to Council or the Board will be brought to the full M&E Committee by the Executive Committee for approval.

The M&E construct includes three subcommittees that complement DMES in supporting the ACS meeting portfolio of ACS bi-annual, regional, and specialty meetings and exposition services.  Each Subcommittee is responsible for execution of one of the three strategic goals from the M&E 2024-2027 Strategic Plan.

2024 Subcommittees

Exposition (Expo) Subcommittee 

Subcommittee Chair: Judith H. Cohen
Subcommittee Staff Liaison: Jennifer Fontillas

Mission: To have expositions at the ACS meetings that are valuable for both attendees and exhibitors which are financially supportive of the ACS meetings.

Goal 1: Increase participation and interaction on the Expo floor.

Attendee Experience Subcommittee

Subcommittee Chair: Christine Aikens
Subcommittee Staff Liaison: Nicole Fisher/Kim Wang

Mission: To help elevate the attendee experience such that the true value is realized in sharing scientific information, networking, professional development and community involvement at ACS meetings.

Goal 2: Optimize the Attendee experience to broaden participation in meetings.

Regional Meetings

Subcommittee Chair: Stephen G. Tajc
Subcommittee Staff Liaison: Sydney Vranna

Mission: To provide oversight, guidance, and support to regional meeting organizing committees and their region boards.

Goal 3: Provide guidance and support to regional meeting local organizing committees and region boards to enhance the participant experience.

Contact Us

Send an email to m& if you have questions or need more information about the Committee on Meetings and Expositions.

M&E Committee Staff Liaison: Liz Huh
DMES Staff: Staff Contacts