Frequently Asked Questions and Other Good things to Know
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- Community Associates Pamphlet (With Crop lined, 166 kb, PDF)
What is the difference between member and membership?
- Members pay dues under the Premium or Standard packages. Members have benefits which include access to C&E News and ACS career services, eligibility to become a member of Divisions and their Local Section, for Member-only awards, grants, and fellowships, to serve in elected offices at local and national levels, and to vote in elections. Refer to ACS Membership Page for additional benefits.
- Membership is the total number of members, Society Affiliates (SA), and Community Associates (CA).
What is a Community Associate?
- A no-cost level of membership with an introductory set of complimentary benefits. Refer to ACS Membership Page for details.
Are the Community Associates part of the Local Section?
- Community Associates are not members of your Local Section; however, they are eligible for limited benefits, and you may choose to invite them to participate in your Section’s activities as you would with non-members.
How do we contact Community Associates in our Local Section area?
- A separate Community Associate eRoster report is available for download by the officers of the Local Section as of January 2023.
As a Community Associate, can I become a member?
- Yes, the Standard and Premium Packages are available to existing or prospective members that have a degree, certification, or significant work history in a STEM field, or as a teacher of chemical science. The Premium Package is also available for people whose occupation directly concerns the practice of a chemical science but does not meet degree or work history requirements.
Can a Community Associate become a Local Section Affiliate and how?
- Yes, a Community Associate may become a Local Section Affiliate, if allowed in the Section’s bylaws, and as long as Local Affiliates dues are paid.
Can a Community Associate volunteer for section activities such as Chemistry Week?
- Community Associates may volunteer for any activity so long as they consent to abide by the ACS Volunteer Code of Conduct policy and requirements set by the host/organizing party, such as undergoing training or supervision. For activities involving children under the age of 18, the Community Associate must also consent to a volunteer screening policy that may include a questionnaire, background checks, and consent to abide by the ACS Volunteer Code of Conduct policy.
- Community Associates cannot hold any elected office, but otherwise can be involved, same as a Society Affiliate, if allowed by the host/organizing party/Section/Division.
Can Community Associates chair/organize Section activities or events?
- To serve as chair of committees or interest groups within a Local Section, then it needs to be stated in the Section’s bylaws.
- Community Associates may volunteer for any activity so long as they consent to abide by the ACS Volunteer Code of Conduct policy and requirements set by the host/organizing party, such as undergoing training or supervision. For activities involving children under the age of 18, the Community Associate must also consent to a volunteer screening policy that may include a questionnaire, background checks, and consent to abide by the ACS Volunteer Code of Conduct policy.
Are Community Associates covered by insurance if they engage in Section activities?
- ACS maintains a comprehensive business policy, which includes general liability coverage that protects ACS, Divisions, and Local Sections against liability claims arising from negligent acts by ACS, or its agents, that result in bodily injury or property damage, e.g., arising out of events. This coverage is not an accident policy. It will not pay anyone who is injured regardless of how the injury was caused or who is at fault. It pays ONLY when the Society, or someone acting on its behalf, is negligent and the damage stems from that negligence.
- If the Section or Division is hosting an activity, we recommend participants sign a waiver and release of liability. Samples can be found in the Legal Resource Manual. Please contact ACS Legal at for a quick review.
What happens when a member fails to pay their dues?
- The member becomes a Community Associate after 60 days of unpaid status. These have been removed from the member roster category and are listed in the monthly eRoster report (TN: Terminate National).
What happens when an elected officer fails to pay their dues?
- If a Member does not pay their dues, they then become a Community Associate which is not a Member. ACS Membership shall notify the Councilor of the delinquent dues and provide a deadline not more than 60 days to correct such delinquency prior to switching to Community Associate. Should they not correct the delinquency in a timely manner, they will automatically resign their position. Any elected officer including Councilor or Alternate Councilor vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in one of the following manners: (1) in a predetermined order of succession as provided in the bylaws of the Local Section or Division from among Alternate Councilors and/or unsuccessful candidates for these positions; (2) by means of a special election, or (3) at the time of the next annual election. If the third option is used, the vacancy may be filled under the next annual election by appointment by the governing body of the Local Section or Division. Please see Standing Rule IV, Sec. 16, f.
- If further questions, contact
Can Local Sections pay the dues of an elected officer, e.g., Councilor?
- It is recommended that Local Sections not pay dues of a Councilor, members of its governing board, or other individuals in a position to exercise control or influence of the Section. There may be special circumstances the Local Sections may pay the dues of the members that are currently covered under the Waiver program Dues Categories & Discounts - American Chemical Society ( e.g. those in financial distress.