Committee on Membership Affairs
What We Do
The ACS Committee on Membership Affairs is involved with recruiting and retaining ACS members by ensuring that ACS membership is a valuable resource in their professional lives.
All students and professionals within the global chemistry enterprise are engaged ACS members.
Growing and engaging ACS membership through innovative programs, benefits and opportunities.
Who We Are
The Membership Affairs Committee (MAC) consists of ACS Members, Associates and Consultants. Members are appointed to two-year terms (up to a maximum of three consecutive terms), by the ACS president-elect.
Associates and Consultants are selected to one-year terms. The total committee usually has under 30 participants (12-20 of which are Members). MAC currently consists of several working groups, which discuss, research, and make recommendations on the current needs of the ACS membership or tasks assigned by other governance entities.
MAC welcomes your input via email. We especially appreciate feedback concerning:
- Current MAC activities and initiatives
- Pending petitions for changes in the ACS Constitution and Bylaws
- Nontechnical benefits available to ACS members
- Member recruitment and retention activities
- Initiatives that MAC should be pursuing
- Ways of increasing the value of ACS membership
The American Chemical Society (ACS) is collaborating with several partner organizations to offer their members significant discounts to join or renew their ACS membership. Members of the following organizations are eligible:
- American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) - AACT Teacher Members receive a complimentary ACS Membership at the Standard Package level.
- American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) - College Student Members receive a complimentary year of ACS Student Membership and Professionals receive a 50% discount on one year of ACS Membership.
- National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) - Student Members receive a complimentary year of ACS Student Membership and Professionals receive a 50% discount on one year of ACS Membership.
Our Duties
- Elects members and affiliates to the Society
- Makes recommendations to the Council concerning membership standards.
- Makes recommendations to the Council concerning national affiliates.
- Advises on plans and programs for increasing ACS membership.
- Considers charges of injurious conduct against a member.
- Seeks and identifies potential new benefits for members.
- Identifies and implements dues structure experiments for targeted member groups.
- Considers any matter affecting members not within the field of some other Standing Committee.
MAC Working Groups & General Expectations
How do we get our work done? MAC uses topical working groups to conduct the business of the Committee. Each working group has a lead, selected by the Committee Chair.
2025 MAC Working Groups include:
- Communications
- Data
- Member Engagement
- Policy
Interested in serving on MAC?
We seek members with skills in data analysis, written and oral communication, the 3 Rs of membership in local sections and divisions, value propositions, market tests, demographics trends, and those seeking to improve the diversity and vibrancy of our membership community.
You can apply at

Recruitment and Engagement Toolkit
Easy to access and download templates, marketing material, and information for Councilors looking to recruit and engage with current and potential members.
Contact Us
The Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC) values your feedback and all comments will be taken into much consideration.
Send an email; include your name and ACS member number (if applicable).