Society Committee on Publications' Responsibilities

The committee shall be responsible for:

  • Assessing editorial quality and content of the publication program of the Society, including the system of primary publications of books, journals, scientific communications, magazines, the official organ of the Society, and miscellaneous publications; and reporting its findings to the Board of Directors
  • Serving as a channel for communication among Society members, the Council, other users of the Society’s publications, the Governing Board for Publishing, and the Board of Directors to ensure that needs and support are recognized, researched, and addressed
  • Consulting with the editors of the above publications concerning editorial policy
  • Consulting with the Board of Directors upon matters of appointments concerning the above publications
  • Making recommendations to the Board of Directors related to the needs and adequacy of the publications of the Society, including the need for curtailment of ongoing efforts and the initiation of new efforts, and recommending to the Council and the Board of Directors any changes in these publications
  • Advising the Board of Directors, Council, and staff on copyright policy and recommending actions to protect ACS copyright
  • Informing and educating members on copyright through national and regional symposia and through articles in the official organ of the Society and other ACS publications
  • Monitoring developments on copyright issues at international and national levels; and
  • Informing the Council and the Board of Directors of the Committee’s activities.
  • Monitoring developments on copyright issues at international and national levels
  • Informing the Council and the Board of Directors of the Committee’s activities

Chemical and Engineering News Editorial Board

The following shall be the responsibilities of the C&EN Editorial Board: (12/2/16)

(a) The Editorial Board is intended to serve as a communications link among the ACS Board (exercised through the Committee on Publications) and the Editor-in-
Chief and staff of C&EN, and to represent the needs and interests of the Society’s membership.
(b) The Editorial Board shall meet at least twice a year, if practicable once at each national ACS meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chair or at the written request to the Chair by any five members of the Editorial Board.
(c) The Editorial Board shall advise the Committee on Publications on matters of editorial policy and recommend general operational guidelines for the publication of C&EN.
(d) The Editorial Board shall advise the Editor-in-Chief of C&EN on matters of editorial policy, and shall respond to the Editor-in-Chief’s requests for guidance.
(e) The C&EN Editorial Board shall review and assess the effectiveness of C&EN in meeting its objectives. Society member opinion shall be sought and considered.
(f) The Editorial Board shall receive periodic written status reports (not less than once per year) from the C&EN Editor-in-Chief on current editorial content and features of the periodical. Recommendations for improvement shall be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief and presented in writing to the Committee on Publications as warranted.
(g) When requested, the Editorial Board shall serve to mediate conflicts and shall be authorized to adjudicate disputes between the C&EN Editor-in-Chief and Society members, Sections, Divisions, or other official units of the SOCIETY.

Membership of the Chemical & Engineering News Editorial Board

There shall be a C&EN Editorial Board, of which the Chair of the Society’s Committee on Publications shall be the Chair. The Editorial Board shall have a total of seven members. Two of the C&EN Editorial Board members shall be the Chair of the Board and the President of the SOCIETY, or their respective designees chosen from the membership of the Executive Committee of the Board. The remaining four members of the Editorial Board shall be appointed annually and jointly by the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Committee on Publications, subject to recommendation by the C&EN Editor-in-Chief, provided that at least four of the seven members of the Editorial Board shall be members of the Committee on Publications or Governing Board for Publishing.

All members of the Editorial Board shall be expected to keep themselves informed on the operation and published content of C&EN and the Guidelines for its publication. The Editorial Board shall have responsibility for monitoring and reporting on the editorial and related operational performance of C&EN and shall submit its findings to the Committee on Publications annually, along with any recommendations for corrective action(s) as warranted. (12/2/16)

Chemical and Engineering News Editorial Board

The following shall be the responsibilities of the C&EN Editorial Board: (12/2/16) 

(a) The Editorial Board is intended to serve as a communications link among the ACS Board (exercised through the Committee on Publications) and the Editor-in- Chief and staff of C&EN, and to represent the needs and interests of the Society’s membership

(b) The Editorial Board shall meet at least twice a year, if practicable once at each national ACS meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chair or at the written request to the Chair by any five members of the Editorial Board

(b) The Editorial Board shall advise the Committee on Publications on matters of editorial policy and recommend general operational guidelines for the publication of C&EN

(c) The Editorial Board shall advise the Editor-in-Chief of C&EN on matters of editorial policy, and shall respond to the Editor-in-Chief’s requests for guidance.

(d) The C&EN Editorial Board shall review and assess the effectiveness of C&EN in meeting its objectives. Society member opinion shall be sought and considered.

(e) The Editorial Board shall receive periodic written status reports (not less than once per year) from the C&EN Editor-in-Chief on current editorial content and features of the periodical. Recommendations for improvement shall be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief and presented in writing to the Committee on Publications as warranted.

(f) The Editorial Board shall receive periodic written status reports (not less than once per year) from the C&EN Editor-in-Chief on current editorial content and features of the periodical. Recommendations for improvement shall be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief and presented in writing to the Committee on Publications as warranted.

(g) When requested, the Editorial Board shall serve to mediate conflicts and shall be authorized to adjudicate disputes between the C&EN Editor-in-Chief and Society members, Sections, Divisions, or other official units of the SOCIETY.

Chemical and Engineering News Editorial Board

The following shall be the responsibilities of the C&EN Editorial Board: (12/2/16)

(a) The Editorial Board is intended to serve as a communications link among the ACS Board (exercised through the Committee on Publications) and the Editor-in-Chief and staff of C&EN, and to represent the needs and interests of the Society’s membership.

(b) The Editorial Board shall meet at least twice a year, if practicable once at each national ACS meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chair or at the written request to the Chair by any five members of the Editorial Board.

(c) The Editorial Board shall advise the Committee on Publications on matters of editorial policy and recommend general operational guidelines for the publication of C&EN.

(d) The Editorial Board shall advise the Editor-in-Chief of C&EN on matters of editorial policy, and shall respond to the Editor-in-Chief’s requests for guidance.

(e) The C&EN Editorial Board shall review and assess the effectiveness of C&EN in meeting its objectives. Society member opinion shall be sought and considered.

(f) The Editorial Board shall receive periodic written status reports (not less than once per year) from the C&EN Editor-in-Chief on current editorial content and features of the periodical. Recommendations for improvement shall be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief and presented in writing to the Committee on Publications as warranted.

(g) When requested, the Editorial Board shall serve to mediate conflicts and shall be authorized to adjudicate disputes between the C&EN Editor-in-Chief and Society members, Sections, Divisions, or other official units of the SOCIETY.