Project Management 101 for Scientists: How to Plan, Budget, and Meet Objectives

ACS Webinars

Your technical skills are top notch, but how do you have the skills to move from managing an experiment to planning and managing an entire project?  

There is both an art and science of running successful cross-functional project teams. A project manager has the central role in the communication of information in all three modes, Upward, Downward and Lateral.

Join Barry Weinstein, President of Barry M. Weinstein & Associates, during this free interactive recording to discover how to determine project goals and objectives as well as the three key measurement criteria and how to apply them.

What You Will Learn

  • Become familiar with the planning activities required for successful team projects
  • Understand key aspects of executing a team project, measuring success in terms of cost, schedule and performance criteria
  • Learn key ways to successfully transition from your former job to a project management position
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Barry Weinstein
Barry M. Weinstein & Associates

Bryan Tweedy
American Chemical Society