Retirement Realities: More Than Just Dollars and Cents

ACS Webinars

Regardless of where we are in our careers, we all think about retiring at some point. For most people, thinking about retirement centers mainly on one thing: Have I saved enough money? However, there are so many other issues to consider and these run from the mundane to the truly significant.

Join recently retired David Smorodin of the American Chemical Society as he provides practical guidance in addressing some of the legal and financial challenges that retirement poses. As you suspect, there is no one right answer for many of these matters, but ignoring them entirely is definitely the wrong answer because retiring is a huge step and you have to be prepared for it.

This ACS Webinar is moderated by Bill Carroll of Carroll Applied Science and co-produced with the ACS Senior Chemists Committee.

What You Will Learn

  • How proper estate planning will provide peace of mind during this transition
  • How Social Security and Medicare will impact your retirement
  • The often neglected steps that will move you seamlessly into retirement

Co-Produced With


What an attendee said about this ACS Webinar!

This personal experience webinar on retirement was great!  It was easy to digest, had useful links, slides weren't busy, and gave me several concrete action items. 


You Belong Here


Dave Smorodin
Member, Board of Trustees, Division of Chemical Education, ACS

Bill Carroll
Principal, Carroll Applied Science

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