Resources for Excellence Workshops

While numerous resources exist for supporting excellence in two-year college chemistry education, finding the right resources and strategies to address your particular needs can be challenging. The Resources for Excellence workshops are designed to help faculty meet this challenge.  

Developed by the Society Committee on Education and the ACS Two-Year College Chemistry Consortium (2YC3), Resources for Excellence is a series of interactive workshops that help two-year college chemistry educators find the solutions that work for them.

Participants in Resources for Excellence workshops

  • Develop customized strategies and action plans to address specific challenges at individual two-year colleges
  • Create a network of supportive two-year college colleagues
  • Identify and implement resources to foster excellence in two-year college chemistry education

The Resources for Excellence workshops are facilitated by specially trained two-year college chemistry faculty and are held at conferences across the country. They cost nothing but the registration fee for the meeting.

Host a Workshop

Can't make a meeting? Want a workshop at your conference? We can come to you.

Email the ACS Undergraduate Programs Office to host a Resources for Excellence workshop at your institution or conference.

Upcoming Workshops

Get a Jump Start Using the ACS Assessment Tool for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs: a Resources for Excellence workshop

213th Two-Year College Chemistry Consortium Conference
San Diego City College, San Diego, CA
March 11-12, 2016

You are invited to stay connected and develop solutions for excellence at the upcoming workshop, “Get a Jump Start Using the ACS Assessment Tool for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs.” Two-year programs are under increasing pressure to perform self-assessments and document their outcomes. The ACS Assessment Tool for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs is a resource to help your institution identify strengths and opportunities for growth in the context of the ACS Guidelines for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs.

During this workshop, the assessment tool will be presented along with data as to how institutions use the assessment tool. Additional ideas on how to use the assessment tool will be discussed, and participants will have a chance to start working on a section of the assessment tool. Participants will leave with and action plan to complete part or all of the assessment tool. Our goal is to decrease the activation barrier for using the assessment tool.

Facilitator Opportunities

Interesting in becoming a Resources for Excellence facilitator? ACS is on the lookout for two-year college chemistry faculty to join the cadre of workshop facilitators. Training and workshop materials will be provided. Please contact the ACS Undergraduate Programs Office (1-800-227-5558, ext. 6108) for more information.

Contact Us

For more information, or to suggest ideas for future workshops, please contact the ACS Undergraduate Programs Office (1-800-227-5558, ext. 6108).