Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT 2019)! Let's celebrate!

Countdown to IYPT!

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in 1869.

In celebration, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially proclaimed 2019 as “The United Nations International Year of The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements,” or "IYPT 2019."

Join us as we celebrate throughout the year by showing how chemical elements are central to "linking cultural, economic and political aspects of the global society through a common language, whilst also celebrating the genesis and development of the periodic table over the last 150 years."


How to Get Involved

Get in your element for IYPT with these fun and engaging activities!

ACS Periodic Playoff

The chemical elements face off. Vote and campaign for your favorites today!


Campaign for your favorite element on social media using #myElement, and tell us your Element Story for a chance to be featured on our main page Bonus: Add IYPT to your profile with Twitter and Facebook headers!
Download: Twitter IYPT header | Facebook IYPT cover

Join us for Tuesday Trivia

Test your periodic table knowledge and chemistry skills every Tuesday  on Instagram and Twitter for #TriviaTuesday #IYPT2019

Share and Explore Community Events

See what other people are doing around the world. Tell us what you’re doing to be featured here.

Plan Outreach Events

Host hands-on science activities for the public during National Chemistry WeekChemists Celebrate Earth Week, or anytime during the year. 

Plan Technical Programming

Talk about the ongoing evolution of the periodic table and the importance of various elements with your ACS Student Chapter, Local Section, International Chemical Sciences Chapter, or other group.

Host your Own Contest

Use periodic table merchandise as prizes for creative uses of the periodic table, poem contests, art contests, and more.

Educational Resources


Gallery of Periodic Tables

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Periodic Table Trends on

History of the Periodic Table on Tableau Public

L'Élémentarium (en Français)

The Periodic Graphics of Elements

Elemental Haiku on Science Magazine

Fast Facts, By The Numbers


Discovered Elements of the Periodic Table


Elements Named After 16 Scientists,
Including Mendeleev


Elements Named After Women:
Lise Meitner (Meitnerium) and Marie Curie (Curium)

Henry Hill

Did You Know?

In 1977 Henry A. Hill was the first African American president of the American Chemical Society and did extensive work with polymers. He was also dedicated to improving employer-employee relationships and is noted for his dedication to professionalism. An ACS award is named in his honor.