Merck Research Award

Award at a Glance

Recipient Student
Category Diversity,  Research
DeadlineNovember 15, 2025


To recognize eight individuals* who will present their research at an awards symposium held during the ACS Fall Meeting.

*This includes women (both cis and trans) and persons assigned female at birth (AFAB). For more information regarding the gender inclusive language used in this document, please visit the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide


Awardees will receive a $1,500 stipend to cover ACS Fall Meeting expenses. They will present their research at a Women Chemists Committee (WCC)/Merck half-day symposium and be recognized at the Awards Symposium Luncheon and the WCC Luncheon.


Individuals* in their third and fourth year of graduate school with a research focus in one or more of the following - Organic, Inorganic, Medicinal, Analytical, Chemical Biology, Computational or Structural Chemistry, and related disciplines. Open to U.S. citizens (studying anywhere) and non-U.S. citizens attending a graduate program in the U.S. or Canada.

Those who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

The following will be requested in the application.

  • Your resume or C.V. (include permanent address)
  • A brief cover letter detailing how this award will impact your career in science (1 page)
  • Your proposed abstract submission for the WCC/Merck Research Award Symposium
  • A letter from your advisor commenting on your technical ability and potential, as well as confirming your participation in the Fall ACS national meeting at which you will be making your presentation, if selected.


November 15, 2024

How to Apply

Apply Online


Merck and ACS Committee on Women Chemists

Contact Information


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