Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii)

Grant at a Glance

Recipient Volunteer, International
Category Green Chemistry,  Events & Activities
AmountUp to $25,000
DeadlineDecember 22, 2023


To provide funding for a multi-day forum/conference that contributes to the resolution of global sustainability issues. The goal of the Gii program is to foster creative solutions and stimulate collaborative action among a diversity of ACS members. Successful projects have contributed to developing pragmatic solutions to global issues, including water quality, healthcare, or agriculture practices.


The Gii program provides funding to an ACS entity (international chapter, local section, technical division, international student chapter) to hold a multi-day research event to resolve/contribute to the resolution of global sustainability issues.

During this event, ACS members, committees, ACS divisions, and local experts meet to present their existing research and to discuss additional solutions. Participants will then draft a white paper (typically with the help of a science writer) that includes the ideas and outcomes discussed during the program. The findings are presented as a poster board presentation at an ACS Meeting.

The project topic and research must be long-term, sustainable, and last longer than the project events that take place in the year you are awarded funding. Gii funds may not be used for short-term research.

Funding available: Up to $25,000


  • The Gii is open to all ACS members and units.
  • Applicants must be an ACS member in good standing with a premium or standard membership

Application Requirements

Project proposals must include the following elements:

  • A focus on issues for a specific geographical area related to 1-2 science-related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Virtual or hybrid engagements, including, but not limited to: symposia, meetings, webinars, etc.
  • Coordinate and compose a white paper on your findings with suggested solutions.
  • Plans to present the white paper, and research via a poster board presentation during an ACS Meeting.

Proposals can allocate grant funding to the following:

  • Materials related to the project (ex: lab equipment)
  • Any software required for the project (ex: Zoom meetings)
  • Travel expenses for participants to travel to an ACS Meeting (must be included in budget)
  • Contracting a science writer
  • Translation of white paper technical content

Project proposals are strengthened by any of the following provisions:

  • Strive to achieve an equitable gender balance among presenters and participants
  • Student/early career scientist involvement
  • Collaboration with and support of ACS Technical Divisions or Committees
  • Collaboration with Academia – Think Tanks, Universities, etc.
  • Collaboration with the public and private sector – NGOs, Non-Profits, Government, etc.
  • Collaboration with national labs or a national chemical society
  • Previously unfunded projects

How to Apply

The application requires the following additional documents:

  • The applicant’s ACS Member number
  • Name of your ACS Chapter
  • Project name
  • Proposed date of Gii forum
  • Detailed project budget
  • After the full application is submitted, the applicant will receive a confirmation email

History of Global Innovation Imperatives

Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii) is an ACS program that was originally started and implemented in collaboration with the U.K.-based Society of Chemical Industry.


If you have any questions about the Gii program, please email us at

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