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Allison Campbell, Former Associate Laboratory Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, 2017 ACS Past President: [00:00:00] I was asked to talk to you a little bit about leadership. And I think the first thing I wanted to do is to tell you that you're going to get my view of leadership. Leadership is not a one size fits all. It's not a one size fits none. It's really something that's individual and it’s for you to make into your own form. But I do have some thoughts on it based upon my 30 plus years, or almost 30 years, at the laboratory. The things that I've experienced along the way that I thought I would share with you in the 20 minutes or so that we have.
As I was thinking about this talk, it's kind of struck me that spring is in the air and there's a little bit of a kick to my step, and that's because it's the Grand Tour season in cycling. Those of you that know something about me know I like to ride bikes as indicative of by my shoes. Last month I got up early, 4:30 every morning to start watching the Giro d'Italia, which is a three week ride. Now I'm on a little rest before the Tour de France starts up right after the 4th of July. As I was watching the Giro, I was thinking about this talk and I thought, cycling is a really great analogy for leadership in my opinion. And so, I put my talk together thinking about leadership through the eyes of the Peloton.