What’s better at finding a hidden bomb — a dog or an electronic chemical detector? In this episode, the Reactions team travels to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory to find out.
- Detection of land mines by amplified fluorescence quenching of polymer films: a man-portable chemical sniffer for detection of ultratrace concentrations of explosives emanating from land mines
- Is It Possible to Predict the Odor of a Molecule on the Basis of its Structure?
- Odors: from chemical structures to gaseous plumes
- .Vapor Pressure of Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine (HMTD) Estimated Using Secondary Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.
Detection dogs - Prostate cancer and dog sense of smell
- Sniffing animals as a diagnostic tool in infectious diseases
- Demining Dogs in Colombia - A Review of Operational Challenges, Chemical Perspectives, and Practical Implications
- The Limits of Detection
- Sniffing Out Bombs: Canine vs. Machine
- Can next-generation bomb ‘sniffing’ technology outdo dogs on explosives detection?
- Dogs Teach Bomb-Sniffing Machines New Tricks [Podcast episode, 2017]
- America Is Running Out of Bomb-Sniffing Dogs [2017 article]
- Dog sniffing at the superbowl
- Birds and Dogs: Toward a Comparative Perspective on Odor Use and Detection
- Dogs' olfactory diagnostics applied on human species: state of the art and clinical perspectives.
- Odor Perception by Dogs: Evaluating Two Training Approaches for Odor Learning of Sniffer Dogs
- Olfaction and aging
- Olfactory Generalization in Detector Dogs
- When the Nose Doesn’t Know: Canine Olfactory Function Associated With Health, Management, and Potential Links to Microbiota
- Explosives-sniffing grasshoppers?
- Sniffer dogs in the melanoma clinic? (This is the first study that indicated dogs might be able to sniff out cancers, but it was a case study)
- Canine scent detection for the diagnosis of lung cancer in a screening-like situation
- Conducting polymers in sensor design
- DARPA Dog’s Nose