Did you know that the ocean launches bacteria and other goo into the atmosphere? And that those particles can seed clouds? In our last stop of the Speaking of Chemistry Road Trip, atmospheric chemist Kimberly Prather of UCSD and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography drops some serious knowledge on us.
More links and references below:
- Dissecting California Precipitation | C&EN
- Observing Earth | C&EN
- Does Cloud Seeding Really Work? | C&EN
- From Dust To Snow | C&EN
- Sea Spray Aerosol Chemistry Clarified | C&EN
For more on aerosols and climate, check out the State of the Science Fact Sheet from NOAA.
CAICE is a National Science Foundation Center for Chemical Innovation.
Speaking of Chemistry is brought to you by Chemical & Engineering News, the news magazine of the American Chemical Society.