The 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Cryo-electron microscopy explained

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Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank, and Richard Henderson have claimed the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their development of cryo-electron microscopy. This year’s winners surprised many people and stirred up the perennial “is this really chemistry?” debate. But the Nobel committee (and the president of the American Chemical Society, Allison Campbell) believes that cryo-EM’s development is firmly entrenched in the central science. Check out our explainer behind the work that’s enabling researchers to image large biomolecules with atomic precision, ushering in a new era of biochemistry.

And there was at least one person whom this pick did not surprise. Shout out to Gurunath Ramanathan, a viewer of C&EN’s Nobel Prediction Webinar who submitted this guess: “Cryoelectron microscopy is changing the way in biology. My bet is on analytical chemistry.” Watch the full webinar: ICYMI: Who Will Win the #ChemNobel? Predicting the 2017 Nobel Laureate(s) in Chemistry.


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