Committee on Constitution & Bylaws Duties
In accordance with the ACS Governing Documents, Standing Rule V, Sec. 1, the duties of the ACS Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) shall include the following:
- perform the duties assigned in the ACS Governing Documents;
- review provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules and initiate such action as may seem appropriate;
- interpret and initiate such action as may seem appropriate to eliminate conflicts in the Constitution, Bylaws, or Standing Rules;
- review and make recommendations to the Council concerning desirable changes in the charter bylaws for new Local Sections, International Chapters, and Divisions in probationary status;
- review and make recommendations to the Council concerning the bylaws prepared by a Division in probationary status... to attain full divisional status;
- act for the Council in approving revisions and amendments of unit bylaws submitted in accordance with the ACS Governing Documents;
- determine that proposed Articles of Incorporation or such amendments are not inconsistent with the Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and/or Standing Rules of the SOCIETY...; and
- act for the Council in determining that affiliation of a Local Section or Division with a local or other technical organizations are done in accordance with the Standing Rules.