About the Guidelines
About the Guidelines
The ACS Guidelines for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs provide a comprehensive framework for reviewing chemistry programs, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for change, and leveraging support from institutions, partners, and external agencies. These guidelines were developed to promote high quality chemistry education for students in all types of two-year programs.
Implementing these guidelines can ensure that programs and course offerings:
- Are consistent with the mission of the institution.
- Meet the needs of the diverse backgrounds and abilities of entering students.
- Enhance the strengths of the institution and the community.
- Facilitate articulation agreements with programs to which students transfer.
- Enable students to graduate with the skills necessary to enter the workforce.
- Support a safe environment for teaching and learning.
Because chemistry-based education varies widely, colleges are encouraged to focus only on the sections of the guidelines most relevant to their needs.
Funding Resources
These funding opportunities are either targeted for or available to two-year colleges. In most cases, faculty apply for the grants and administer them if awarded.
Explore the Guidelines
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