High School Chemistry Education Resources
ACS Education Publications

Access ChemMatters Magazine
ChemMatters, ACS's award-winning high school chemistry magazine, helps high school students make connections between chemistry and the world around them.
Explore free online articles, along with downloadable puzzles and Teacher’s Guides that contain reading comprehension questions and additional resources. Full digital issues are available by subscription or through AACT membership.

Get Access to Chemistry in the Community
A first-year high school textbook that teaches chemistry concepts through the lens of societal issues.
Chemistry in the Community Webinars >
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Journal of Chemical Education
For those interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry at the middle school level and above.
About the Journal >
Resources for Teaching High School Chemistry
Resources for Remote Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic – ChemEd X
ChemEd X, published under the ACS Division of Chemical Education, curated this list of resources and lessons that teachers can use over the coming weeks.
How to Succeed in Online Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic – inChemistry
COVID-19 is a monster situation to deal with, but you can still take control of your learning and keep up with classes. Here are 6 things you can do to thrive in distance learning.
Energy Foundations for High School Chemistry
Free, fully-developed laboratory investigations, demos, student readings, and multimedia you can use to teach the big ideas about energy. The entire collection is available for free download in PDF format.
Landmark Lesson Plans
Inquiry-based student activities based on ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark subjects. Designed for use in high school chemistry and history lesson planning.
Green Chemistry Educational Resources
Introduce your students to green chemistry concepts.
Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities (PDF)
A manual for high schools, colleges, and graduate programs, 4th edition. Published by the ACS Committee on Chemists with Disabilities. Addresses needs of students with learning and physical disabilities.
High School Chemistry Safety Resources
Safety Data Sheets: Information that Could Save Your Life
Teach your students how to assess hazards related to chemicals with this ChemMatters article.
ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching Middle and High School Chemistry
Find research-based information about instruction, core ideas, safety, sustainability, and the professional responsibilities of teachers.
Chemical & Laboratory Safety - High School Labs
Read guidelines and resources that were developed with high school teachers in mind, using the RAMP framework for scientific safety.