Week 21
Week 21: May 21 – 27 (Archive)
May 21
- Bengt I. Samuelsson, born 1934, co clarified biochemical processes by which various prostaglandins are formed and metabolized; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1982).
- Gunter Blobel, born 1936, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1999).
May 22
- Herbert C. Brown, born 1912, researcher in organoboron and carbocation chemistry; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1979).
- George A. Olah, born 1927, researcher in carbocations and their role in chemical reactions of hydrocarbons; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1994).
May 23
- Edgar Fahs Smith, born 1854, researcher in electrochemistry and history of chemistry; three times President of American Chemical Society.
May 24
- John Mayow, born in 1640, discovered air contained two gases, one supported life and combustion, spiritus nitro-aerous (oxygen).
- Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, born 1686; in 1720, improved thermometers by using mercury (Hg, 80); invented Fahrenheit temperature scale.
- Aaron Dexter appointed first professor of chemistry and material medica at newly organized Harvard Medical School in 1783.
May 25
- Pieter Zeeman, born 1865, studied influence of magnetism on the nature of radiation; discovered splitting of spectral lines (Zeeman Effect), Nobel Prize in Physics (1902).
- Paul J. Scheuer, born 1915, considered the father of marine natural products chemistry.
May 26
- Helen Marie Dyer, born 1895, researched chemotherapy; American Chemical Society's Garvan Medal (1962).
May 27
- Lars F. Nilson, born 1840; in 1879, discovered scandium (Sc, 21).
- Theodor Curtius, born 1857, researched chemistry of hydrazines and azaides; Curtius rearrangement named in his honor.
- Kasimir Fajans, born 1887, established radioactive displacement law; initiated concept of heat of hydration of gaseous ions.
- John C. Bailar, Jr., born 1904, discovered optical inversion; explained stereospecificity in complex inorganic reactions.
- Mary Fieser, born 1909, researched quinones, natural products, and steroids; coauthored many textbooks on organic chemistry.