Week 22
Week 22: May 28 – June 3 (Archive)
May 28
- Alfred O. C. Nier, born 1911, refined mass spectrometric process to distinguish isotopes; showed uranium-235 undergoes fission.
- Stanley B. Prusiner, born 1942, discovered Prions (new biological principle of infection); Nobel Prize in Medicine (1997).
May 29
- Antoine A. B. Bussy, born 1794; in 1812, isolated magnesium (Mg,12).
- General Electric Corp. announced synthesis of gem-grade diamonds in 1970.
May 30
- William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers discovered krypton (Kr, 36) in 1898.
- Julius Axelrod, born 1912, researched catecholamines; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1970).
- Henry A. Hill, born 1915, first African-American president of American Chemical Society.
May 31
- Austin McD. Patterson, born 1876, leader in field of chemical nomenclature; editor of Chemical Abstracts.
June 1
- Frank Whittle, born 1907, designed and patented a jet aircraft engine.
June 2
- Nils G. Sefstrom, born 1873; in 1830, one of the discoverers of vanadium (V, 23).
June 3
- Otto Loewi, born 1873, researcher on chemical transmission of nerve cells; Nobel Prize in Medicine (1936).
- Robert B. Woodward synthesized chlorophyll in 1960.