Week 45
Week 45: Nov. 5 – 11 (Archive)
November 5
- Paul Sabatier, born 1854, researcher in organic chemistry catalysis; codiscovered process for hydrogenation of oils to solid fats; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1912).
- Neil K. Adam, born 1891, researcher on unimolecular surface films; discovered existence of two-dimensional state of matter at water-air boundary.
November 6
- William A. Noyes, born 1857, first chief chemist of U. S. Bureau of Standards (now National Institute of Standards & Technology); editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society (1902–1917).
- Ian M. Heilbron, born 1886, synthesized naturally occurring compounds such as vitamins A & D.
November 7
- Marja (later Marie) S. Curie, born 1867; in 1898, codiscovered radium (Ra, 88) and polonium (Po, 84); Nobel Prize in Physics (1903); Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911).
- Lise Meitner, born 1878, explained nuclear fission; in 1917, codiscovered protactinium (Pa, 91).
- Chandrasekhara V. Raman, born 1888, discovered the Raman effect; Nobel Prize in Physics (1930).
- Eric Kandel, born 1929, discovered how efficiency of synapses can be modified; molecular mechanism of memory; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2000).
November 8
- Lawrence E. Glendenin, born 1918; in 1945, codiscoverer of promethium (Pm, 61).
- Herbert S. Gutowsky, born 1919, researched chemical shifts, spin-spin coupling, and chemical exchange in NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance); led to chemical structure determinations using NMR.
November 9
- Vladimir N. Ipatiev, born 1867, researcher in catalytic chemistry of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
- Discovery of cosmic rays announced, Madison, WI, in 1925.
- Ronald G. W. Norrish, born 1897, researcher in extremely fast chemical reactions; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1967).
- Creation of three atoms of element 110 at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, in 1994.
November 10
- Andres M. del Rio, born 1764; in 1801, discovered vanadium (V, 23), which he called erythronium.
- Johnson & Johnson incorporated in 1887.
November 11
- Glenn T. Seaborg announced discovery of americium (Am, 95) and curium (Cm, 96) on the Quiz Kids radio program in 1945.