ACS Science Talks: Virtual Library
For the scientific community across the globe, our efforts will continue beyond these sessions for discussing science, manuscript writing, peer-review support, and resources to help you advance in your career.
Ruchi Anand
Recorded Lecture Topic: Structural Biochemistry - Photography at the Atomic Level
Subramaniam Chandramouli
Recorded Lecture Topic: Energy, energy everywhere, can we store it somewhere?
Kaushik Chatterjee
Recorded Lecture Topic: 3D Printing for Biomedical Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
Jyotishman Dasgupta
Recorded Lecture Topic: Photoactivating Organic Transformations in Water with Visible Light
Jyotirmayee Dash
Recorded Lecture Topic: In situ cycloaddition for the development of small molecule drugs
Ayan Datta
Recorded Lecture Topic: Simple Models to Understand Reactivity in Molecules
Gagandeep Kang
Recorded Lecture Topic:
Understanding & Unfolding the Coronavirus Pandemic
Tapas Maji
Recorded Lecture Topic: Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Energy and Environment related Applications
Vijayamohanan Pillai
Recorded Lecture Topic: Applications of 2-D materials and their hetero-structures for Energy Storage
Vivek Polshettiwar
Recorded Lecture Topic: Nanotechnology to Fight Climate Change: A Man-Made Virus
Thalappil Pradeep
Recorded Lecture Topic: Nanoparticles are Molecules
Subi J. George
Recorded Lecture Topic:
Microstructure control in Multi-component Supramolecular Polymers
Rinti Banerjee
Recorded Lecture Topic: Biomaterials Strategies for Drug Discoveries
Abhishek Dey
Recorded Lecture Topic: Managing Protons and Electrons in Small Molecule Activation
Govindasamy Mugesh
Recorded Lecture Topic: Artificial enzymes for the regulation of cellular redox signaling
Angshuman Nag
Recorded Lecture Topic: Perovskite Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Lights, Electrons, Action
Arindam Ghosh
Recorded Lecture Topic: Managing Protons and Electrons in Small Molecule Activation
Uttam Manna
Recorded Lecture Topic: Importance of Chemistry in Developing Durable and Smart Bio-inspired Liquid Wettability
Thimmaiah Govindaraju
Recorded Lecture Topic: Why Alzheimer’s is a Tough Disease to Crack?
G.V. Pavan Kumar
Recorded Lecture Topic: Soft-Matter Optics : A Cabinet of Curiosities
Harinath Chakrapani
Recorded Lecture Topic: Hydrogen Sulfide: Smelly Past, Bright Future?
Sagnik Dey
Recorded Lecture Topic: Air quality management in India: Challenges and Opportunities
Satish A. Patil
Recorded Lecture Topic: Exciting World of Molecular Electronics
Yogesh M. Joshi
Recorded Lecture Topic: Investigating Phase Behavior of Suspensions of Nano-Discs Using Rheology
Shane Allen Snyder
Recorded Lecture Topic: Exploring the Great Unknown: Characterization of Complex Environmental Mixtures
Vishal Rai
Recorded Lecture Topic: Organic chemistry with proteins creating opportunities in biology and medicine
Sudipta Maiti
Recorded Lecture Topic: Playdough Proteins
J. Justin Gooding
Recorded Lecture Topic: Ultra-sensitive sensors that can operate in complex environments
Anshu Pandey
Recorded Lecture Topic: I-III-VI2 Nanocrystals for Optoelectronic Devices
Nandita Madhavan
Recorded Lecture Topic: Molecular Engineering: Small Peptides Mimicking Proteins
Soumitra Satapathi
Recorded Lecture Topic: Advances in perovskite single crystals: fundamentals and applications
Asha S.K.
Recorded Lecture Topic: π-Conjugated Polymers for Enantioselective Separation and Biosensing
T.I. Eldho
Recorded Lecture Topic: Groundwater Pollution, Remediation and Management
Narayan Pradhan
Recorded Lecture Topic: Semiconducting Nanocrystals: From Reaction Flask to Electron Microscope
Swagata Dasgupta
Recorded Lecture Topic: Oxidative damage in proteins
Rahul Banerjee
Recorded Lecture Topic: Covalent Organic Frameworks and the Morphology [0-1-2-3] Landscape
Sara E. Skrabalak
Recorded Lecture Topic: Multimetallic Nanocrystals by Design
Ramesh L. Gardas
Recorded Lecture Topic: Alternative Solvents for Sustainable Development
Julie Zimmerman
Recorded Lecture Topic: Designing a Green Chemistry Future
Jiaxing Huang
Recorded Lecture Topic: Materials Innovation for Better Living
Gerald Meyer
Recorded Lecture Topic: Dye-Sensitized Electron Transfer
Jodie Lutkenhaus
Recorded Lecture Topic: Redox-active polymers for energy storage
Wonyong Choi
Recorded Lecture Topic: Utilizing Light for Environmental Applications: Photo(electro)catalysis
Thomas F. Hofmann
Recorded Lecture Topic: Decoding Chemosensory Systems for Flavor Innovations
Jonathan V. Sweedler
Recorded Lecture Topic: Technologies for probing brain chemistry a cell at a time
Vivek V. Ranade
Recorded Lecture Topic: Valorising Waste Biomass via Hydrodynamic Cavitation and Anaerobic Digestion
Teri W. Odom
Recorded Lecture Topic: Light-mediated, Directed Placement of DNA Ligands on Gold Nanoparticles
Arthi Jayaraman
Recorded Lecture Topic: Molecular modeling, theory, and simulation studies of polymeric materials
M. Rosa Palacin
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Baterías recargables: del nacimiento y evolución de la tecnología de ión litio a la búsqueda de nuevas químicas
Manish Chhowalla
Recorded Lecture Topic: Highly versatile atomically thin metallic transition metal dichalcogenidenanosheets
Orlando Rojas
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Bioproductos Inspirados Por La Naturaleza: Avances en Tecnologías Sostenibles
Isabel Pastoriza-Santos
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Nanomateriales Plasmónicos y su Aplicación como Sensores
Shana Sturla
Recorded Lecture Topic: Chemical toxicology of human gut microbiota
Romain Quidant
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Nanofotónica: una herramienta para tecnologias emergentes
Juan Bisquert
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Neuronas artificiales para máquinas que comprenden
Siva Umapathy
Recorded Lecture Topic: Laser spectroscopy applications to biology and medicine
Sourav Pal
Recorded Lecture Topic: First-principle Computational chemistry: From molecules to materials
Chennupati Jagadish
Recorded Lecture Topic: Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics Applications
Sarbajit Banerjee
Recorded Lecture Topic: Designing Battery Electrode Architectures across Length Scales
Jesús Jiménez-Barbero
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Interacciones carbohidrato-proteína. Una visión 3D usando Resonancia Magnética Nuclear
C. Malla Reddy
Recorded Lecture Topic: Adaptive Crystals: From Mechanical Bending to Self-Healing
Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta
Recorded Lecture Topic: Quantum Materials by Computation: Challenges & Opportunities
Rajat Sandhir
Recorded Lecture Topic: Hydrogen Sulfide: From Toxic Gas to a Key Molecule in Health and Disease
Stefanie Dehnen
Recorded Lecture Topic: Multinary Clusters – Atomically Precise Materials with Uncommon Properties
Kelly Chibale
Recorded Lecture Topic: Human malaria parasite Plasmodium kinases for drug targeting
Gilbert C. Walker
Recorded Lecture Topic: Tales of Three Natural Products from the Marine Environment
Peng Wang
Recorded Lecture Topic: Renewable Energy Driven Decentralized Clean Water Production from Unconventional Sources
JitKang Lim
Recorded Lecture Topic: Moving around in the nanoworld to do work
Panče Naumov
Recorded Lecture Topic: Smart Organic Crystalline Materials
Jessica D. Schiffman
Recorded Lecture Topic: Bioinspired, Engineered Materials and their Interactions with Microorganisms
Juyoung Yoon
Recorded Lecture Topic: Recent Progress on Fluorescent Imaging Probes and Phototherapy
Il-Doo Kim
Recorded Lecture Topic: Innovation in Nanomaterials Synthesis: from Lab to Commercialization
Stefan Iglauer
Recorded Lecture Topic: Hydrogen geo-storage and CCUS: New insights from molecular-to-reservoir scale
Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu
Recorded Lecture Topic: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Approaches for Tumor Detection
Suman Singh
Recorded Lecture Topic: Fusion of Advanced Functional Materials & 3D printing for Sustainability
Mary K. Caroll
Recorded Lecture Topic: Aerogel Materials for Sustainable Building Applications
M. S. Santosh
Recorded Lecture Topic: Powering Hydrogen's Progress via Sustainable Energy Technologies
Anshu Bhardwaj
Recorded Lecture Topic: Applications of Data Science in Genomics and Drugs Discovery
Martin Blunt
Recorded Lecture Topic: Flow in Porous Media in the Energy Transition
Wei Wang
Recorded Lecture Topic: Chemically Active Colloids: From One to Many
Tharamani C. Nagaiah
Recorded Lecture Topic: Designing a Greener Energy Conversion System for a Sustainable Future
Christine Luscombe
Recorded Lecture Topic: Advances in semiconducting polymer synthesis
Debashree Ghosh
Recorded Lecture Topic: Photophysics of skin pigment melanin
Sarah Guerin
Recorded Lecture Topic: Sparks Fly: Rational Design of Complex Electromechanical Phenomena in Molecular Crystals
Abhijeet Mukherjee
Recorded Lecture Topic: Geogenic groundwater pollution: drivers and management
Sivapriya Kirubakaran
Recorded Lecture Topic: Kinases-Challenging and Potential Target for New Age Cancer Therapeutics
Peter Licence
Recorded Lecture Topic: Sustainability@Scale
Shikha Nangia
Recorded Lecture Topic: Breaking the Barriers: Shaping a Future Without Alzheimer's Disease
Michael KC Tam
Recorded Lecture Topic: Innovation in Sustainable Nanomaterials for Advanced Engineering Applications
Juan Perez-Mercader
Recorded Lecture Topic: Making Biochemistry-free Life in a Test Tube
David Mecerreyes
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Polímeros innovadores para un futuro sostenible
Manmohan Kapur
Recorded Lecture Topic: Distal C-H Functionalization via Electrophilic C-H Metallation
Dean Joseph Tantillo
Recorded Lecture Topic: Post-Transition State Bifurcations - Why Should Organic Chemists Care?
Sayam Sen Gupta
Recorded Lecture Topic: Bio-inspired Iron Complexes for Sustainable Oxidation Reactions
Javier García Martínez
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): El lenguaje de la química: La nomenclatura IUPAC disponible en Español
Efraím Reyes
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): El lenguaje de la química: La nomenclatura IUPAC disponible en Español
Pascual Román Polo
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): El lenguaje de la química: La nomenclatura IUPAC disponible en Español
Fernando L. Rosario-Ortiz
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Impacto de los incendios forestales en la calidad del agua
Paul J. Dauenhauer
Recorded Lecture Topic: An Introduction to Programmable Chemistry
Coralia Osorio Roa
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Frutas tropicales como fuente de fitoquímicos que ayudan a modular enfermedades asociadas con el estilo de vida
Víctor M. Zavala
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Modelado, simulación y optimización de sistemas complejos utilizando la teoría de grafos
Tatiana Besset
Recorded Lecture Topic: Exploring New Opportunities in Organofluorine Chemistry
Herbert Mayr
Recorded Lecture Topic: Do General Nucleophilicity Scales Exist?
Kuo-Wei Huang
Recorded Lecture Topic: Fueling the Future
José Luis Medina-Franco
Recorded Lecture Topic (Spanish): Libro electrónico para la enseñanza de Quimioinformática
Laura McConnell
Recorded Lecture Topic: Partnerships are key to achieving Zero Hunger and a Healthy Planet