Life Insurance

Life insurance helps protect the financial future of your family if something happens to you. It creates an instant estate to help supplement the loss of you or your spouse/domestic partner’s income, making it possible for you to meet monetary responsibilities such as burial expenses, debt, children’s education, mortgage, retirement, and much more.

Help safeguard your family's assets with quality life insuarnce options that are portable.


Life Insurance 

Group Term Life Insurance*

Rates are annual renewable and provide up to $2 million in term life benefits for qualified individuals.

Group 10 Year Level Term Insurance*

Rates are guaranteed for an initial 10 year term and provides up to $2 million in coverage for qualified members and their families.

Group 20 Year Level Term Insurance*

Rates are guaranteed for an initial 20 year term and provides up to $2 million in coverage for qualified members and their families.

Key Person*

The group term life, 10-year, and 20-year level term life insurance policies can serve as a key person insurance policy for ACS member business owners.

Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment*

Provides up to $500,000 in case of a covered accidental death or injury.

* Underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10010, under Group Policy GMR.


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