Annual Reporting
Why should I file an annual report?
- To review your activities during the past year, evaluate your programs, and highlight areas for possible growth
- To communicate your accomplishments in relation to the overall goals of ACS to the Local Section Activities Committee (LSAC), Division Activities Committee (DAC), or International Activities Committee (IAC)
- To keep a record of current experiences for the benefit of future leaders in your local section, division, or international chapter
- To share successes to assist other local sections, divisions, and international chapters in program and activity planning
- To self-nominate for ChemLuminary awards
- To meet the requirement to receive your annual allotment
- To fulfill requirements in the ACS Constitution and Bylaws
How do I file?
Submit your annual reports online:
ACS Community Connection is a web-based application that allows local section, division, and international chapter officers to complete and submit their annual reports online. .
Local section, division, and international chapter chairs, chair-elects, secretaries, treasurers and councilors will be granted access to Community Connection. Chairs can request access for additional users by contacting
Who prepares the annual report?
Completing the annual report requires a coordinated effort by various volunteer members of governance. The steps in preparing the report, along with roles and responsibilities are:
- Executive committee and councilors consult to assign responsibilities for completing annual report forms, event summaries, and ChemLuminary award nomiations
- Treasurers assures the Financial Report is complete and accurate
- Chair assures the Annual Report is complete and approves the report submission
- Annual Report is submitted online to ACS by the:
- Councilor (Local Sections)
- Chair or Councilor (ACS Divisions)
- Chair (International Chapters)