Read summaries of cutting-edge chemistry research and news based on articles from ACS journals. Registered journalists can subscribe to the ACS journalist news portal on EurekAlert! to access embargoed and public science press releases. For media inquiries, contact newsroom@acs.org.
- Packaging insulin into a pill-friendly form for diabetes treatment
- Toward lowering titanium’s cost and environmental footprint for lightweight products
- First plant-based ‘microswimmers’ could propel drugs to the right location
- Burning biomass pellets instead of wood or plants in China could lower mercury emissions
- Suggested ban on trans fat begs the question: Are substitutes any healthier?
- Solar-powered battery woven into fabric overcomes hurdle for ‘wearable electronics’
- Reducing the salt in bread without losing saltiness, thanks to a texture trick
- Hormone therapy could enhance the therapeutic effect of head and facial bone grafts
- Dismantling Syria’s chemical weapons in the midst of war
- Recycling valuable materials used in TVs, car batteries, cell phones
- A mimic of ‘good cholesterol’ could someday treat cardiovascular and other diseases
- Baking blueberries changes their polyphenol content — and possibly their health benefits
- Almost 20 percent of grain in China lost or wasted from field to fork
- Historic blaze fueled a boom in tire recycling, advances in fire monitoring
- Stealth nanoparticles lower drug-resistant tumors’ defenses
- First scientific method to authenticate world’s costliest coffee
- Vinyl flooring linked to potentially harmful substances at schools and daycare centers
- Managing the data deluge through new software
- Paper based device could bring medical testing to remote locales Enzymes to Femtomolar Levels Using Measurements of Time as the Readout
- Successful deployment of an autonomous deep-sea explorer to search for new forms of microbial life
- Better way of checking authenticity of Earth’s smallest, most valuable bits of paper
- Watermelon juice relieves post-exercise muscle soreness
- Cigarette smoke impacts genes linked to health of heart and lungs
- A new sense of urgency for energy cane and other energy crops
- Pressurized virus blasts its infectious DNA into human cells
- First human tests of new biosensor that warns when athletes are about to 'hit the wall'
- Ancient technology for metal coatings 2,000 years ago can't be matched even today
- An environmentally friendly battery made from wood
- Coping with the global scarcity of clean water
- Preventing vitamin B12 deficiency among vegetarians, vegans and the elderly
- Toward anti-odor, anti-bacterial fabrics with the scent of vanilla
- Discovery of the missing link in evolution of bioluminescence
- Big environmental footprints: 21 percent of homes account for 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
- Green farming could offset greenhouse gas emissions
- Cigarette smoke impacts genes linked to health of heart and lungs
- Toward a safer form of acetaminophen
- Discovery of the ‘Plastisphere’ — a new marine ecological community
- Unraveling the scientific basis of the infant feeding axiom ‘breast is best’
- Papaya-clay combo could cut cost of water purification in developing countries
- Crabgrass’ secret: The despised weed makes herbicide to kill neighboring plants
- Toward broad-spectrum antiviral drugs for common cold and other infections
- Big environmental footprints: 21 percent of homes account for 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
- How chewing gum or a shed hair can let strangers read your ‘Book of Life’
- Keeping fruit, vegetables and cut flowers fresh longer
- Lab experiments question effectiveness of green coffee bean weight-loss supplements
- The secrets of another Japanese success story
- Saliva proteins may protect older people from influenza
- Papaya-clay combo could cut cost of water purification in developing countries
- Progress in introducing cleaner cook stoves for billions of people worldwide
- Solar-powered nanofilters pump in antibiotics to clean contaminated water
- Billions of dollars at stake in Deepwater Horizon trial
- Biology's drive toward engineering
- First dual-action compound kills cancer cells, stops them from spreading
- Formula-feeding linked to metabolic stress and increased risk of later disease
- A new addition to the Hall of Fame of science venues
- Despite safety and other concerns, nuclear power saves lives, greenhouse gas emissions
- Human scabs serve as inspiration for new bandage to speed healing
- New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay
- Re-creating the original colors of treasured ivory carvings from the ancient past
- Fast new, one-step genetic engineering technology
- Meeting the 'grand challenge' of a sustainable water supply
- More emphasis needed on recycling and reuse of Li-ion batteries
- Overcoming resistance to anti-cancer drugs by targeting cell 'powerhouses'
- Ice tubes in polar seas - 'brinicles' or 'sea stalactites' - provide clues to origin of life
- Batteries that bend and flex will transform electronics, transportation
- Improved material for 'laser welding' of tissue in intestinal surgery
- Study on coumarin in cinnamon and cinnamon-based products
- Using 'bacteria-eaters' to prevent infections on medical implant materials
- Same-day water pollution test could keep beaches open more often
- A milestone for new carbon-dioxide captureclean coal technology
- 'Chemical gardens' could hold the key to understanding the origins of life on Earth
- Discovery of first motor with revolution motion in a virus-killing bacteria advances nanotechnology
- Six in 10 people worldwide lack access to flush toilets or other adequate sanitation
- New approaches for controlling pesticide exposure in children
- Paraffin encapsulated in beach sand material as a new way to store heat from the sun
- Paving the way for greater use of ancient medical knowledge
- Will natural gas exports raise prices for consumers?
- Opera's poisons and potions connect students with chemistry
- Frog-in-bucket-of-milk folklore leads to potential new antibiotics
- New steps recommended to preserve China's famous Terracotta Warriors and other relics
- Popular energy drinks trigger caffeine jitters
- Widely used nanoparticles enter soybean plants from farm soil
- No clear evidence that an increased level of gluten proteins in new wheat varieties is responsible for increase in celiac disease
- New way to identify 'smoked' grapes and wines
- First special edition updating progress on efforts to map human proteins
- More efficient way to make popular prescription medication
- Microdosing Updating its role in developing new medicines
- Toward reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the Internet and telecommunications
- New surfaces repel most known liquids
- Sustainable reinforcement for concrete has newly discovered benefits
- Development of the first way to make large amounts of promising anti-cancer substance
- New twist on using biomass for perfume, cosmetic, personal care products
- 2013 Economic outlook for global chemical industry
- Making whole wheat bread taste and smell more appetizing
- Chemical modules that mimic predator-prey and other behaviors
- Used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidants
- Supply problems spark search for new ways to make magnets -- not the 'fridge' variety
- Ingredient in diarrhea medicine leads to sustainable new farm fertilizer