The Speaking of Chemistry California road trip continues as we scope out some cutting-edge, flexible electronics at Stanford University.
Stanford’s Zhenan Bao and her research team are developing electronics that could revolutionize wearables and prosthetics. In this episode, Matt Davenport and Noel Waghorn get a glimpse behind the scenes at Stanford and learn how Zhenan’s past at the historic Bell Labs is helping her create futuristic materials.
- Artificial Skin Transmits Signals To Neurons | C&EN - Touch Sensors Power Themselves | C&EN - Self-Healing Plastic ‘Skin’ Points Way to New Prosthetics | Science - Arthur C. Cope Scholar Awards: Zhenan Bao | C&EN
The list of allegations against Schön that we show is from:
The full report from Lucent can be found here:
And a quick note for anyone keeping score at home: Work at Bell Labs has earned a total of eight Nobel Prizes, shared amongst 14 Laureates, according to