Getting to Mars is on our minds back here on Earth, and when it comes to space travel, recycling is a space traveler's best friend - pee included! Today we're looking at a brilliant new potential use for pee in space, and URINE for a surprise, it flows a bit farther than drinking water!
Article on the pee story:
- The Man Turning Astronaut Breath and Pee Into Plastics and Omega-3s
- NASA funds research to recycle human waste for deep-space travel
- Challenges associated with a trip to mars:
- Why Is It So Hard to Travel to Mars?
- The 12 Greatest Challenges for Space Exploration
- Using urine to grow plants in space:
- How Urine Could Help Astronauts Grow Food in Space
- Plants in deep space and on mars:
- NASA Plant Researchers Explore Question of Deep-Space Food Crops
- NASA video on Veggies:
- ScienceCasts: Historic Vegetable Moment on the Space Station
- Background on the nitrogen cycle//why we need all this stuff additive manufacturing on station:
Additive Manufacturing Facility (Manufacturing Device) - 07.26.17 - Getting thirsty in space:
- How Do Astronauts Get Drinking Water on the ISS?
- US astronauts drink recycled urine aboard space station but Russians refuse
- About the engineer behind pee recycling systems:
- Solving a space station’s toilet-shaped problem
- More recently installed system:
- How Recycled Astronaut Pee Boosts Chances for Future Deep-Space Travel