Background checks for ACS Youth Event volunteers are conducted by Sterling Volunteers. For all questions related to the background check submission process, please email or call 1-855-326-1860.
ACS Youth Protection Policy
The American Chemical Society (“ACS”) is committed to offering a safe and enjoyable environment for all individuals in its community, especially youth who participate in ACS Hosted events, programs, and activities (collectively “ACS Youth Events”). ACS Youth Events include events held in person and online. As a part of that commitment, ACS has developed a policy that reflects its values of ethical behavior and protects the safety of youth.
This policy applies to all ACS Youth Events, although the requirements of this policy are not applicable in the following situations:
- Non-ACS events, which are the responsibility of the host.
- ACS Youth Events hosted by International Chemical Sciences Chapters and/or Student Chapters of the ACS.
- Please note: International Chemical Sciences Chapters are subject to their country’s own local rules and regulations regarding events involving minors. Student Chapters, Graduate Student Organizations and ChemClubs, of ACS are subordinate organizations of the institution in which they are formed and not of ACS; therefore, they are subject to the policies of the institution.
Policies, Guidelines & Tutorial for Volunteers & Event Leaders
All volunteers must follow the the ACS Volunteer and Participant Code of Conduct. Volunteers and event organizers working with youth must follow the ACS Youth Protection Policy, Background Check Policy and Procedures, and Youth Interaction Guidelines. For more information about how the process works, watch the tutorial. The policy documents are available to download below.
Background Check Requirement
One way to help ensure the safety of children is to implement a background check requirement for all adult volunteers who will interact with minors at an ACS Youth Event. While no screening method is guaranteed to eliminate all risks, a thorough process can help identify individuals with a history of inappropriate conduct with minors and deter dangerous people from applying or gaining access to youth. Therefore, all adults associated with ACS, or an ACS chartered Local Section, Division, region, or committee (collectively “ACS Units”) who work directly with or have regular access to minors must undergo a background check.
Note: Background checks are not required for all volunteer roles; only volunteer roles at ACS Youth Events require a background check. For detailed information related to the background check screening process, please see the ACS Background Check Policy & Procedure.
Who Conducts ACS Volunteer Background Checks?
Sterling Volunteers, a globally recognized background screening provider, conducts all background checks for ACS volunteer roles involving minors. Background checks are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and other applicable federal and state law, and are subject to Sterling Volunteer’s terms & conditions and privacy policy.
ACS will cover the cost of background checks for all ACS Youth Event adult volunteers.
For all questions related to the background check submission process and what it entails, please contact Sterling Volunteers directly at or via phone at 1-855-326-1860.
Volunteering at ACS Youth Events
All adult volunteers at ACS Hosted events, programs, and activities (ACS Youth Events) must undergo the ACS Background Check. The ACS Background Check must be completed prior to participating in an ACS Youth Event. Failure to either complete the ACS Background Check or refusal to undergo the ACS Background Check will prohibit an individual from volunteering at the ACS Youth Event.
- Adults must undergo the ACS Background Check to screen for offenses that would disqualify them from volunteering at any ACS Youth Event.
- All volunteers must report any suspected child abuse, including sexual abuse involving a minor, to the proper authorities within 24 hours.
Note: Background checks from other sources or providers will not be accepted. No exceptions.
Reporting Potential Harm of Minors
- Emergencies:
In case of emergency, call 911 immediately. - Reports of Known or Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors:
Anyone participating in an ACS Youth Event who knows, suspects, or receives information indicating that a minor has been abused or neglected, or who has other concerns about the safety of minors must notify the local coordinator of the ACS Youth Event.
Any participant who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy shall not be subject to retaliation. Concerns may be reported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to or via one of the anonymous methods listed below. Please reference “ACS” or the “American Chemical Society” in the subject line of any written submissions.- Website:
- Toll-free telephone number: 855-710-0009 or 800-216-1288 (Spanish)
- E-mail:
- Fax: (215) 689-3885
Questions about this policy may be directed to
Background Check Policy
Per the ACS Youth Protection Policy, the ACS Background Check is required only for adult volunteers participating in ACS Youth Events. Volunteer roles at other ACS Hosted Events may not require a background check. Please contact the host of the ACS Hosted Event for details regarding whether a background check is required for volunteers.
All personal information required for the background check application will be provided directly to Sterling Volunteers via their submission portal. See Background Check Instructions. Sterling Volunteers will be directly responsible for managing the personal information submitted by volunteers in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Personal information, including background checks results, will solely be used to determine eligibility for volunteering at ACS Youth Events and will be kept confidential. Results will not be disclosed unless required by law or court order. NOTE: Background check applications will be retained by Sterling Volunteers only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected in accordance with their document retention procedures, as well as federal and state regulations.
Adjucation & Adverse Action
ACS will not be informed of the detailed results of any background check. Instead, Sterling Volunteers will notify ACS of an “eligible or ineligible” status for each volunteer. Sterling Volunteers will cross-reference all background screening results with the disqualifying crimes determined by ACS. An eligible status indicates the volunteer has zero disqualifying crime matches and is eligible to participate as a volunteer for ACS Youth Events. An ineligible status indicates the volunteer has one or more disqualifying crime matches that may affect their eligibility to participate as a volunteer for ACS Youth Events. If Sterling Volunteers reports an ineligible status for any volunteer, Sterling Volunteers will send the volunteer a preadverse action letter informing the volunteer there is potential disqualifying information in their background check report. The volunteer will have five (5) business days to dispute the information contained in the report and provide any supporting documentation to the dispute resolution team from Sterling Volunteers. If the volunteer is unable to provide supporting documentation or is unresponsive in the time allotted, a final adverse action letter will be sent to the volunteer informing them they are ineligible to participate as an ACS volunteer for ACS Youth Events. However, if the volunteer is able to successfully refute the information contained in the report, Sterling Volunteers will amend the report so that ACS can make the final eligibility determination.
Background Check Questions
For all questions related to the background check submission process and adjudication & adverse action, please contact Sterling Volunteers directly at or via phone at 1-855-326-1860. For Frequently Asked Questions, please refer to the Sterling Volunteers FAQs.
Why is ACS implementing this policy?
ACS upholds the highest standards of respect and is committed to both supporting and providing a safe, ethical, and responsible environment for all volunteers and participants at ACS Hosted Events, especially those involving minors. Consistent with many similar organizations, ACS now requires volunteers to clear a background check before volunteering at an ACS Youth Event.
Who is subject to background checks?
ACS requires background checks for all adult volunteer roles at ACS Youth Events, which are ACS Hosted events, programs, and activities by Local Sections and Divisions.
Who conducts the background screening?
Background checks are conducted securely online through Sterling Volunteers, a globally recognized background screening provider and consumer reporting agency. Sterling Volunteers handles all personal information submitted by volunteers in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
What personal information will I need to provide?
Your full legal name, date of birth, social security number (or local country ID), gender, phone number, email address, and current address. Providing an alias, a maiden name, length of time at current address, and prior address(es) are optional.
What does the background check cover?
The background check includes the following screens for U.S. residents:
- Local criminal search
- DOJ sex offender
- Government watch list search (OFAC)
Is the background check going to look at credit?
How long does it take to process a background check?
On average, it takes three (3) business days to run a background check and determine a status, but it could be shorter or longer depending on where you live. ACS recommends requesting a background check at least two (2) weeks before the ACS Youth Event.
How do I know I’m cleared to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event?
In your Sterling Volunteers dashboard, you will have a badge in the upper right corner. This is the badge you must share with the coordinator of the ACS Youth Event before you are cleared to volunteer. Please be prepared to show the badge on your mobile device when you arrive at the ACS Youth Event you intend to volunteer at.
Where can I find the badge to indicate I am eligible to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event?
In the Sterling Volunteers dashboard, you will see a badge with ACS incorporated into the image. You will have to show that badge to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event.
What if someone volunteers on the spot at an ACS Youth Event?
Unless they have an eligible badge for an ACS Youth Event in their Sterling Volunteer dashboard, they are unable to volunteer.
Who pays for the background check?
ACS will cover all costs.
Will I be notified of the results of my background check?
Yes. Once you submit your background check application, you will receive an initial email from Sterling Volunteers confirming your application is in process. Applicants will receive another email from Sterling Volunteers when the screening is complete. A final email will be sent indicating whether you are eligible to volunteer for the ACS Youth Event. If you are eligible, you will have a badge in your Sterling Volunteer dashboard.
What if I am deemed ineligible to volunteer?
You will have the opportunity to dispute the report or provide additional information within five (5) business days of receiving the ineligible status. If you choose not to dispute the report or do not provide additional information that sufficiently meets the ACS volunteer requirements, you will not be permitted to engage in the volunteer role.
Will ACS be notified if there is a change in someone’s status once the background check is complete?
Yes. The background checks will be updated on a monthly basis for 11 months after the initial screening. ACS will be informed by Sterling Volunteers of anyone whose status has changed if it no longer meets the requirements to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event. The volunteer is also able to see a change in status on their Sterling Volunteer dashboard.
I agreed to a background check for another non-ACS event. Can I share that report for an ACS Youth Event?
No. You have to clear an ACS Background Check to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event. If you have used Sterling Volunteers to obtain a background check before, when you request an ACS Background Check, you may use the same login credentials. But you'll have to request a new background check that is specific to ACS.
Do I have to be an ACS member to get an ACS Background Check?
No, anyone can volunteer at an ACS Youth Event, and any adult who wants to volunteer must complete an ACS Background Check, which ACS will pay for.
What if I refuse to undergo a background check?
You will not be allowed to serve as a volunteer for ACS Youth Events.
How long will the background check be valid?
The background check is valid for one year (1) year. Volunteers who wish to re-engage after that period must be re-checked to ensure they continue to meet the standards of the ACS.
How do I know when I need to renew my background check?
You will see the dates the background check is valid for in your dashboard and an your Sterling Volunteer eligibility badge. If you plan to volunteer at an ACS Youth Event after your background check date expires, you will have to request a new ACS Background Check.
Who sees my background check report?
Only Sterling Volunteers and approved staff of ACS will see a copy of your background check report. ACS will not share your report or any of its contents with anyone unless required by a court of law.
Can I get a copy of my background check results?
Yes. You can view your background check report in your Sterling Volunteers account dashboard.
I cleared a background check with HireRight for an ACS event already, do I have to do another one with Sterling Volunteers?
I have been asked to participate in a children-centric event, but ACS is not the host. Do I need an ACS Background Check?
If the other organization is handling the logistics, if you are representing ACS but ACS is not the main organizer, or if you have been invited to participate in an event because of your affiliation with ACS, those circumstances are not ACS Youth Events, so you do not need an ACS Background Check. The group hosting will determine whether a background check is necessary. If you have any questions about whether the event qualifies as an ACS Youth Event or not, please email
Do I need an ACS Background Check for events at a public place, such as a zoo, museum, or library where children are accompanied by a parent or guardian?
The proximity of parents or guardians is not the primary consideration in the policy, parents or guardians in this example are also considered an attendee. If ACS is hosting the event at a public place, it is considered an ACS Hosted Event and volunteers will need to complete a background check. If the event is hosted by another group and ACS is participating as a vendor/exhibitor, the event host policies are in effect; however, ACS volunteers may still and are encouraged to complete the process via Sterling.
I am a non-U.S. citizen working/attending school within the U.S., and I would like to volunteer. Can I be cleared through this process?
Persons residing in the U.S. without an SSN (e.g. non-U.S. students) and non-U.S. residents who may be affiliated/volunteering with a U.S.-based Section or Division (e.g. academics and industry professionals who reside in Canada or Mexico) can be cleared using their local country id and permanent (non-U.S.) address via the button for international addresses. Some country limitations and data requirements may apply.
I’m volunteering for an ACS Local Section as a Student Chapter member, but my institution doesn’t require a background check. What should I do?
Request an ACS Background Check. Please consult with your institution’s ethics office or administration about not having child protection protocols in place.
I am a teacher/staff/volunteer at a school and have been cleared by that institution. May I leverage that clearance for my ACS volunteer activities?
No, organizations often have unique clearing requirements. ACS has established the process with Sterling to meet the needs of the organization. All ACS volunteers should undertake screening based on this program. This applies to non-U.S. citizens who's been cleared via another organization as well.
What age qualifies someone as an adult/as youth?
Please refer to your jurisdiction's definition.
How do I find local requirements for background checks?
The law in nearly all states in the U.S. requires background checks for individuals interacting with youth; if you have questions about your local requirements, contact your institution’s appropriate department to confirm. This is a state-by-state requirement, and ACS is not able to provide guidance.
I want more information about the policy and process.
ACS has put together a video tutorial. If you still have unanswered questions about the policy itself, reach out to If you have questions about the platform for the ACS Background Check, reach out to
Background Screening questions should be directed to Sterling Volunteers at or via phone at 1-855-326-1860