Committee on Science

The Committee on Science (ComSci) plays a unique role within ACS by facilitating discussion and dissemination of information on global, multidisciplinary topics that cut across the diverse units of ACS. In addition to increasing the Society’s understanding on emerging areas of chemical science and education, ComSci advises the Board on policy statements and the national recognition of extraordinary chemistry achievements.

What We Do


The ACS Committee on Science aims to engage the global chemistry enterprise to build a better tomorrow by identifying new frontiers of chemistry, examining the scientific basis of, and formulate public policies related to, the chemical sciences, and recognizing outstanding chemical scientists.


Emerging Science for the Chemistry Enterprise

ComSci draws on the expertise of ACS journal editorial boards, division leadership, federal agencies, consultants, policy experts and industry leaders to identify emerging science areas for the chemistry enterprise. A mix of roundtables, panel discussion and symposia are leveraged to engage thought leaders and produce content, which is compiled, summarized and disseminated to inform a wider audience of stakeholders inside and outside of the ACS.

Who We Are

ComSci has four subcommittees: Science and Technology, Policy, Communications and Awards. Their principal strategic goals are, respectively: to develop and implement a process to identify emerging areas of chemistry; to improve development of public policy statements relevant to the Committee’s mission; to use communication systems to engage ACS members and other stakeholders; and to advise the ACS Board of Directors effectively and efficiently to recognize outstanding scientific achievement. Learn more about ComSci subcommittees.

Events & Announcements

ACS Spring 2025

March 22 - 27 in San Diego, California

Learn More



Frontier Fridays Webinar: Accelerating Discovery with AI: Self-Driving Laboratories

ACS Webinar Co-produced with the ACS Committee on Science.

Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Department of Chemistry and Computer Science, University of Toronto

Recorded: April 12, 2024

Contact Us

Email us if you have questions or need more information about the Committee on Science.

Jitesh Soares, Staff Liaison
American Chemical Society