The Formula for Successful Interviews

ACS Webinars

While your experience and publication count might earn you the opportunity to interview for a position, more often than not, the candidate who performs best during the interview gets the job.

Join Patricia Simpson, Director of Chemical Sciences Academic Advising and Career Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as she describes what employers look for when interviewing candidates, how you can best demonstrate your skills and abilities, and how you can seamlessly incorporate what you've learned about an employer into any type of interview. Register now to discover how to successfully demonstrate why you are the best fit for your next job opportunity even if you might not have everything an employer is seeking on paper.

This ACS Webinar is moderated by Matt Grandbois, Strategic Partnership Manager of DuPont Electronics & Industrial and is co-produced by ACS Division of Business Development and Management and the ACS Division of Professional Relations.

What You Will Learn

  • How to start networking in order to build leads and gain knowledge about potential employers
  • Techniques for presenting your best self during interviews, including the STAR method and personalized preparation, in a way the interviewer wants to hear
  • How to navigate various types of interview settings (phone, virtual, on-site, etc.) with confidence and leave a lasting impression

Co-Produced With


What an attendee said about this ACS Webinar!

I am currently in the job search, so this particular one was very relevant to me! Additionally, the speaker and facilitator were both engaging and approachable, as well as knowledgable about their topics.


You Belong Here

Patricia Simpson
Director, School of Chemical Sciences Academic Advising and Career Services, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Owner and Consultant, Game Changing Etiquette

Matt Grandbois
Strategic Partnership Manager, DuPont Electronics & Industrial

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