
Apply for Grants to Fund Your Chapter!

Fundraisers are useful, but grants can also provide a major boost to fund your student community. Check out these ACS grants designed specifically for student communities!

Amount: Up to $750

ACS Student Communities DEIR Grant

Supporting professional development endeavors in Student Chapters and GSOs that advance the ACS Core Value of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR).

Amount: Up to $1,000

ACS Student Communities Engagement Grant

Supporting ACS student community outreach events, group engagement, career and professional development, or group growth.

Amount: Up to $2,000

ACS Student Communities Professional Meeting Grant

Encouraging active ACS student communities to attend a professional conference by covering associated registration fees, lodging, and/or transportation costs.

Amount: Up to $350

ACS Student Communities Starter Grant

Supporting the creation or reactivation of ACS student communities, including Student Chapters, International Student Chapters, and Graduate Student Organizations.

Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: April 12, 2024

Global Innovation Grant

Supporting funding to ACS units, especially international chapters, for internationally collaborative and innovative activities/events.

Amount: $1,500 - $4,500
Deadline: July 15, 2024

Trust in Science and Scientists Grant

Encourages ACS groups to conceive of and implement programming and efforts that showcase trust in science and scientists.

Check out this inChemistry article for grant-writing pitfalls...and tips and tricks for avoiding them: Top Five Reasons ACS Student Communities Grant Applications Get Rejected.  

Apply for Grants to Fund Your Chapter!

Grants can provide a major boost to fund your student community. Check out these ACS grants designed specifically for student communities!

Amount: Up to $750

ACS Student Communities DEIR Grant

Supporting professional development endeavors in Student Chapters and GSOs that advance the ACS Core Value of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR).

Amount: Up to $1,000

ACS Student Communities Engagement Grant

Supporting ACS student community outreach events, group engagement, career and professional development, or group growth.

Amount: Up to $2,000

ACS Student Communities Professional Meeting Grant

Encouraging active ACS student communities to attend a professional conference by covering associated registration fees, lodging, and/or transportation costs.

Amount: Up to $350

ACS Student Communities Starter Grant

Supporting the creation or reactivation of ACS student communities, including Student Chapters, International Student Chapters, and Graduate Student Organizations.

Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: April 12, 2024

Global Innovation Grant

Supporting funding to ACS units, especially international chapters, for internationally collaborative and innovative activities/events.

Amount: $1,500 - $4,500
Deadline: July 15, 2024

Trust in Science and Scientists Grant

Encourages ACS groups to conceive of and implement programming and efforts that showcase trust in science and scientists.