Sam’s friend got a crazy swelling, peeling burn on her hands from making a margarita and then heading to the beach. Why?
- Sources
- The Distribution of Coumarins and Furanocoumarins in Citrus Species Closely Matches Citrus Phylogeny and Reflects the Organization of Biosynthetic Pathways
- Psoralen Derivatives with Enhanced Potency
- Phytophotodermatitis
- Lime-induced phytophotodermatitis
- Burned by a Margarita
- Fig tree induced phytophotodermatitis
- Chemistry and health effects of furanocoumarins in grapefruit
- Psoralen
- Margarita Photodermatitis
- The Nature and Molecular Basis of Cutaneous Photosensitivity Reactions to Psoralens and Coal Tar
- Risk and Progression Factors in Carcinogenesis [Psoralen Photobiology]
- Mexican Beer Dermatitis: Scourge Of The Beach Bum And The Proper Lady
- Mexican Beer Dermatitis: A Unique Variant of Lime Phytophotodermatitis Attributable to Contemporary Beer-Drinking Practices
- Polyphenols and Polyphenol-Derived Compounds From Plants and Contact Dermatitis
- Phytophotodermatitis: the other "lime" disease
- Chemistry in Pictures: Club Med dermatitis
- Treating phytophotodermatitis