It’s a much-loved, protein-packed Japanese food standby. It’s also made of slimy, stinky soybeans. By popular request, this week Reactions is all about the chemistry of natto.
- Obsessed: Getting Funky With Natto
- History of Natto and Its Relatives (1405-2012)
- Natto
- About Natto
- Inhibitory Effect of Natto, A Kind of Fermented Soybeans, on LDL Oxidation in Vitro
- Nattokinase Atherothrombotic Prevention Study (NAPS)
- Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Amyloid-Degrading Ability of Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis Natto
- Vitamin K2 regulation of bone homeostasis is mediated by the steroid and xenobiotic receptor SXR
- Spores of Bacillus subtilis: their resistance to and killing by radiation, heat and chemicals