Publications & Resources

Select Curated Resources

Websites, documents, and organizations that have been selected by the CCS as authoritative, frequently referenced, and useful when addressing questions about chemical safety.

CCS Project Portfolio         

Documents, web guides, videos and other resources created by the Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS).         


Safety Tipsheets                   

The Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) has written a series of short, topical guides to help those who work in laboratories better understand the general aspects of laboratory and chemical safety.

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Please email to request information about archived documents.


ACS Safety Resources

*CCS members contributed to these projects.




The information communicated in these documents have been compiled by recognized authorities from sources believed to be reliable and to represent the best opinions on the subject. These documents do not purport to specify minimal legal standards or to represent the policy of the American Chemical Society (ACS). No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by the ACS as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained herein, and the Society assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. These documents are intended to provide basic guidelines for best laboratory practices, including risk management and accident prevention. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that all necessary warning and precautionary measures are contained in these documents and that other or additional information or measures may not be required. Users of this guidance should consult pertinent local, state, and federal laws and legal counsel prior to initiating any risk assessment or accident-prevention program. Registered names and trademarks, etc., used in this publication, even without specific indication thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by laws.


C&EN Safety Letters

Readers explore chemical safety issues from their own laboratory experiences.

RAMP-Up Chemical Safety Brochure

For a complete listing of ACS Safety Programs and Resources, download the RAMP-Up Chemical Safety Brochure