Partnership Subcommittee

The Partnership Subcommittee helps fulfill the Committee on Chemical Safety's mission to communicate safe practices and principles pertinent to the success of the chemical enterprise.

Current Project(s)

This subcommittee is in transition. We are currently developing a framework for a communications strategy to be used by the Committee on Chemical Safety. The subcommittee is also developing a template for a periodic newsletter to be proposed at the New Orleans meeting.

Past Projects and Publications

  • Development of a draft Chemical Safety Communication System.
    Many of these ideas have or will be incorporated into the ACS Safety web presence.
  • Evaluate the presence (or absence) of chemical safety in a large number of chemical research journals.
    The results of this survey were cited by many journal editorial boards (including ACS journals) as impetus to require that authors address safety concerns specifically in their manuscripts.


  • Scott Goode, the past chair of the Safe Solutions Subcommittee, has been appointed as a Consultant to the committee.
  • Kim Jeskie is the new Chair for this subcommittee. She can be reached via email.