Who can participate?
This event is aimed at ACS member communities and sister organizations (student chapters, local sections, ACS divisions) but we welcome groups not yet affiliated with ACS to join the party!
I am not affiliated with any ACS chapter, can I still participate?
Yes! You can register your community to participate, or you can sign up to participate as an individual, Individual registration will be available at a later date.
Can my high school chemistry group participate?
This event is aimed at college-age students through early career chemists but may be appropriate for some high schools and other groups. Please contact multimedia@acs.org if you have questions about program content and eligibility for this event.
Is this an ACS Program-in-a-Box?
The ChemClash is produced by the same team that produced Program-in-a-Box events prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and includes many of the same elements, including a live interactive video stream, social media activities and interaction, and exciting live chemistry content related to the NCW theme. This does not mean that we will no longer produce Program-in-a-Box events that feature technical presentations and live Q&A but are expanding our portfolio of offerings. Note that this particular event will not feature physical kits shipped prior to the event due to the format. We hope you enjoy this new interactive virtual event and welcome your feedback as we expand “Program-in-a-Box” events to include new and exciting program formats and experiences.
How do I participate in the game show?
Individuals will compete in trivia using their smartphones, tablets, or laptops via the trivia platform, Crowdpurr. Directions for signing into Crowdpurr will be sent to registered groups before the event and a special link and access code will be shared to all attendees during the live broadcast by our host.
Will participants be playing as teams or as individuals?
This year participants are invited to gather with their ACS community or group to watch the stream and play along individually via smart device or laptop. The top-scoring individuals will win a ChemClash prize!
Participants will also select their registered group when signing into trivia via Crowdpurr. Top performing member communities and groups will also be eligible to win ChemClash prizes!
Does each participating member/student need to register?
No, each member community only needs to register once.
If you are not a part of a member community or group and wish to participate on your own, please fill out the individual registration form which will be released in the coming weeks.
What equipment do I need to provide for my event?
You provide the room to stream the event! Please ensure the room has a good wifi connection, and your video stream is set to play audio. We recommend members play along using their smartphones, but they can also log in to the trivia via tablet or laptop.
Will there be prizes?
Yes! Top-performing individual players and member communities/groups will be eligible for prizes!
How do I watch the stream?
Your link to watch the live stream of the show be emailed to you at the email address in your registration, including emails of additional members included in your registration.
Do I need to study for the ChemClash?
No need to prepare! You can find additional educational resources pertaining to this year’s NCW theme, Fabulous Fibers on the ACS’s NCW page.
I don’t want to compete in the trivia. Can I still participate?
Yes! Members can participate in additional ChemClash activities such as our online costume contest and pun competition, or just watch along via the livestream!