2022 ACS Fellows
The 2022 Fellows were announced in the August 4, 2022 issue of Chemical & Engineering News and recognized during a hybrid ceremony at ACS Fall 2022.
List of all ACS Fellows (.xlsx)

Aga, Diana S.
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for encouraging women and underrepresented minority students to pursue careers in environmental and agricultural chemistry and for innovative contributions in agrochemical analysis to better understand their ecological and health impacts.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership in the Division of Agrochemicals (AGRO) programming and workforce development in agricultural chemistry by serving as co-Chair of Student Travel Awards and Poster Competition, and organizing graduate student lunches, networking, and symposia.

Agnew-Heard, Kimberly A.
Altria Client Services LLC
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the field of analytical chemistry and leadership in government and industry as a regulatory scientist in the tobacco industry.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service to the ACS as a member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry executive committee and Project SEED, as well as service to the larger community through the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) and other organizations.

Aou, Kaoru
The Dow Chemical Company
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing fundamental insights in polyurethane viscoelastic memory foams, and inventing and commercializing materials of importance in the oil mining and sleep material markets.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service as Brazosport Local Section (LS) officer and as science demonstration volunteer, and in driving greater LS partnership on Science Outreach with Dow as the local corporate partner.

Armbrust, Kevin L.
Louisiana State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for leadership in revitalizing the LSU environmental science department to meet diverse student needs and for sustained innovative research concerning chemical fate and ecological effects mechanisms to inform regulatory policy.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for sustained leadership in AGRO programming, publications, and service that inspires high standards for presentations and collaborative agricultural chemistry research amongst industry, academia, and the state and federal regulatory communities.

Bohling, James
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding technical insight and leadership in elucidating fundamental polymer science and commercializing award-winning, high-performance, and more sustainable products/processes that improve our air, water, and human health.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for championing the ACS’s importance to industry and embracing the power of ACS to convene industry and academia to solve critical problems and inclusively inspire the next generation of scientists.

Boltalina, Olga V.
Colorado State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding contributions to the synthesis and characterization of polyfluoro and polyperfluoroalkyl fullerenes, heterofullerenes, endohedral metallofullerenes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their application to organic electronics, including OPVs and OFETs.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service as Chair and Vice-Chair: Programming, ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry and organizer of ACS National Meeting Symposia and programming (2009 International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry), and for initiating ongoing innovative online Fluorine Tutorial Weeks 2021.

Brumaghim, Julia L.
Clemson University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the understanding of metal-mediated radical damage to DNA and its prevention by antioxidants, and as a leader in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for serving the ACS in major leadership roles in the Western Carolinas Section, as an ACS Tour Speaker, and for the Women Chemists Committee.

Burks, Raychelle
American University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for forging a pathway as a forensic chemist and STEM educator to communicate to scientists, students, and the public the nexus of science and pop culture.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for creating a sustainable informal science education model to encourage students and lifelong learners from marginalized communities into the chemical sciences.

Cummings, Michelle R.
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the advancement of siloxane chemistry to enhance silicone performance for challenging applications harnessing polymer design, cure chemistry, and rheology control to elucidate new structure propery paradigms.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for demonstrated commitment to the ACS through more than 15 years of impactful contributions, elevating enthusiasm for STEM and awareness of inclusivity within the organization and broader scientific community.

Dervan, Peter B.
California Institute of Technology (Emeritus)
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for his foundational contributions in chemical biology, especially the development of molecules that bind to specific DNA sequences.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for his outstanding service on the Board of the Chemical Heritage Foundation/Science History Institute and as Chair of the Board of Chemical Sciences & Technology, National Research Council.

Faler, Catherine A.
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for innovative, industrially significant applications of synthetic organic chemistry, the creation and development of novel olefin polymerization catalysts, and the commercialization of aromatic solvent-free polymers.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for creative community outreach, service, and leadership with the Greater Houston Local Section and the Division of Organic Chemistry.

Fan, Liang-Shih
Ohio State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the development of the fundamental understanding of redox chemistry of metal oxide oxygen carriers and invention of chemical looping platform technologies for sustainable energy, fuels and chemicals production.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding services to ACS Energy and Fuels and Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Divisions through dedicated leaderships in journals and ebooks, conference programs, and award committees, and as symposium organizer and Chair since 1985.

Felsot, Allan S.
Washington State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant contributions to pesticide biodegradation in soil, waste remediation, region-wide air movement and deposition of herbicides, and for developing university courses about crop protection technology and agricultural biotechnology.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as a forty-four year member with service as Program Chair and Chair of the Division of Agrochemicals (AGRO); co-edited three ACS Symposium Series; organizer/moderator of recurring AGRO Young Scientist’s Symposium; Project SEED mentor.

Franz, Annaliese K.
University of California, Davis
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for development of asymmetric catalysis and novel reaction methodology involving silicon chemistry, and outstanding mentorship to the broader chemistry community.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding contributions to the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry through service, leadership and mentorship.

Guthrie, Brian D.
Cargill, Inc.
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing food analysis methodologies and food chemistry insights leading to enhanced industrial processes and highly successful consumer products, such as Rebiana®, Truvia®, ViaTech®, and EverSweet™.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for innovative technical programming and leadership of the Agriculture & Food Chemistry Division and working with ACS Webinars to communicate the complex chemistry and technical challenges of foods.

Hammond, Paula Therese
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering work in the development of a layer-by-layer approach to create electrostatically assembled hierarchical nanostructures with applications ranging from electrochemical energy storage devices to cancer-targeting nanoparticle therapeutics.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as an active and effective role model, mentor, and advocate for the increased participation of women and underrepresented minorities in chemistry and chemical engineering.

Heldebrant, David J.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for groundbreaking research to advance green chemistry, energy decarbonization, carbon capture and conversion to useful chemicals by linking fundamental chemistry to engineering scale applications, and for outstanding mentoring of young chemists.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for his tireless service and infectious enthusiasm as a leader within the ACS at the local, regional, divisional, and national levels, including technical programming and program management.

Hyslop, Alison G.
St. John's University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for her long-standing contributions to inclusive excellence in chemistry education, including the development of transdisciplinary STEM programs and an innovative master’s program for industrial chemists.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for her focus on members as a Local Section Chair, Regional Meeting Co-Chair, and as a member of the Admissions Committee and Membership Affairs Committees of the Society.

Johnston, Jeffrey N.
Vanderbilt University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering chiral acid catalysis and the novel chemical synthesis of peptides and small molecule therapeutics.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for his commitment to modernizing the ACS Approval of Programs offering Bachelor Degrees in chemistry and broadly promoting the adoption of DEIR principles in the ACS and beyond.

Knapp, Spencer
Rutgers University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for training scores of scientists and practiced organic synthesis in the service of deeper scientific understanding of the new reactions, natural products, bioactive compounds with medicinal and biomechanistic applications, and bio-organic and bio-inorganic systems.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for originating and organizing the first three Synthesis on Scale symposia on process chemistry; chairing three Princeton ACS Fall Organic Chemistry Symposia; served as Princeton ACS Chair; and fostering chemical enterprise in New Jersey.

Koenig, Stefan G.
Genentech, Inc.
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for exceptional contributions in advancing green chemistry/sustainability via guiding the ACS Green Chemistry Pharma Roundtable to embrace contract organizations and new modalities, publishing independent research, and mentoring.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for championing women and underrepresented groups (Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry national conference organizing committee and EWOC NorCal chapter co-founder) and improving ACS membership via Division of Organic Chemistry Executive Committee.

Landes, Christy F.
Rice University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for her developments in single molecule and super-resolution microscopy and the utilization of modern data science in the analysis of these experiments.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership in the Division of Physical Chemistry (PHYS), for facilitating diverse and inclusive programming, and for work in mentoring the next generation of chemists.

Lavine, Barry K.
Oklahoma State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the advancement of chemometrics and its application to forensics and infrared library searching through development of novel learning paradigms for classification and calibration of vibrational spectra.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for his commitment to the ACS serving as Northern New York and Oklahoma Local Section Chair, technical symposia organizer, and as National Chemistry Week and Chemistry Olympiad Coordinator.

Levenberg, Milton I.
Abbott Laboratories (Retired)
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering computer data system development for mass spectrometry and automated generation of NMR data, resulting in efficiencies in research leading to faster development of new pharmaceuticals.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for initiating leading, and serving as a prime contributor for the last 17 years to the ACS at the Illinois State Fair science outreach program, bringing almost 200,000 visitors to the ACS tent.

Lin, Zhiqun
National University of Singapore
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering general and robust polymer chemistry for precision synthesis of nanocrystals with controlled dimensions, compositions, architectures, and surface chemistry for energy conversion and storage.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding service to the ACS polymers and materials chemistry communities through engagement with its ACS divisions, substantial membership and reviewing activities, and mentoring of colleagues and students.

Liu, Jingbo Louise
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for inventing amphiphilic functionalization of platinum nanotubes-based proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (FC) and for the discovery increased catalytic FC performance with a concomitant reduction of 87,000 tons of potential CO₂ per year.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service on the Executive Committee of the Division of Energy and Fuels. leading new initiatives, coordinating activities during COVID-19, and increasing access and opportunities for graduate students on chemical science and practice.

Manoharan, Muthiah (Mano)
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering chemistry in nucleic acid therapeutics, lipid-nanoparticle (LNP) and GalNAc-conjugate mediated delivery platforms, which enabled five approved RNAi therapeutics, >25 siRNAs, and >25 antisense oligonucleotides in clinical trials.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership of the Carbohydrate Division of the ACS. Numerous symposia organizer/speaker for the Carbohydrate, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Chemical Biology Divisions focused on medicinal chemistry and delivery of oligonucleotide therapeutics.

Mathes, Brian M.
Elanco Animal Health
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding contributions to drug discovery synthesis and modeling that led to substantial progress in the development of new pharmaceutical options in Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and migraine headache treatments.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exceptional local, regional, and national ACS service as Committee Membership Affairs (MAC) Chair, leading MAC and ACS membership category change initiatives to enhance the size and scope of ACS membership.

Matthews, Marge
Clarivate (Formerly ISI, Retired)
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for her outstanding contributions in the development of ISI’s (now Clarivate) science-related information products and their evolution from print to web-based research tools essential to the global scientific community.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for ongoing provision of publishing skills in support of ACS communication activities at the local, divisional, and national levels, strengthening the Society’s engagement with the unique communities being served.

Meanwell, Nicholas A.
Bristol Myers Squibb
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for senior leadership of teams at BMS in virology, immunology, cardiovascular, with 33 development candidates resulting in 4 marketed drugs. Co-authored 200 publications and co-invented 144 patents.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership in the Medicinal Chemistry technical division long range planning committee, organizing 54 symposia. ACS webinar organizer, ACS career presenter, and ACS short course lecturer, as well as serving on ACS journal advisory boards.

Patil, Bhimanagouda S.
Texas A&M University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for leading the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center-Foods for Health TAMU and identifying mechanisms by which health-promoting compounds from vegetables and fruits enhance human health and fostering collaboration with interdisciplinary scientists.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service as Chair and Program Chair of the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (AGFD) and as a prolific symposium organizer, mentor to colleagues in AGFD leadership, and for introducing chemistry opportunities to high school students.

Postma, James
California State University, Chico (Emeritus)
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for his research into critical environmental issues, exemplary efforts to improve higher education access within California, and for his four decades of teaching and mentoring underrepresented students in chemistry.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for initiating the ACS Northern California Subsection for Chico to further advocate for and better serve these chemists and providing inclusive mentorship in the California section leadership pipeline.

Reichert, W. Matthew
University of South Alabama
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for 59 publications in the field of ionic liquids, with over 11,000 citations and with one publication being one of the first investigations into the properties of ionic liquids.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for volunteering at all levels of ACS service for over 12 years, serving in a variety of roles in the Local Section and as Chair on the Local Section Activities Committee.

Robertson, Megan L.
University of Houston
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for innovations in polymer sustainability, including developing polymers from renewable resources, exploring structure-property relationships of biobased polymers, probing polymer degradation behaviors, enhancing polymer recycling, and increasing material lifetimes.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for her leadership as Doolittle Award Chair, Secretary, and Vice Chair of the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division, and for enhancing division activities through incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion principles.

Robinson, Paul R.
Topsoe A/S
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as a world expert on petroleum refining, publishing encyclopedic books on energy, enhancing production of clean fuels, and reducing carbon emissions with hydrogen recovery and energy conservation.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for numerous industry-oriented symposia, participating in public policy, and leading an innovative project to disseminate climate-change science and safety information to audiences ranging from students to oil companies.

Shafer, Jenifer C.
Colorado School of Mines
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering studies of fundamental and applied aspects of f-element chemistry and nuclear science, including transcurium, nuclear forensics, and separations chemistry studies central to advance our clean energy future.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized leadership within the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, the Younger Chemists Committee career-related programming, and inclusive contributions in developing the Committee on Science–Energy Policy Statement.

Shea, Joan-Emma
University of California, Santa Barbara
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for her innovative contributions in developing computational methods and models to probe protein assembly in the cellular milieu and her initiatives to increase diversity in academia.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for decade-long leadership in the PHYS division, broadening symposia, organizing national Physical Chemistry Division recognition of undergraduate chemists, and for guidance in ACS awards committees and advisory member for ACS journals.

Silverman, Steven M.
Merck & Co.
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant contributions to synthetic methods leading to the discovery and transition into development of multiple clinical candidates, strong scientific mentorship, and team leadership.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding leadership to the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry, the North Jersey Section, and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the ACS and broader chemical community.

Snyder, Nicole L.
Davidson College
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the preparation and characterization of glycocon-jugates as tools for studying carbohydrate protein interactions and for distinguished accomplishments in the teaching and learning of chemistry.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary leadership within both the ACS Carbohydrate division and the Chemical Education division.

Turnbull, Mark M.
Clark University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for his training of hundreds of scientists over a 40 year career as an educator and for his scientific leadership within the field of molecular magnetism.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for decades of leadership within the Central Massachusetts Local Section, helping to revitalize the section from inactivity, and holding numerous leadership roles therein over the past quarter century.

Wang, Wei
Aramco Americas
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for distinguished contributions and leadership on nanomaterials synthesis and interfacial processes leading to novel applications in complex environmental systems, sensor development, sustainable energy, reservoir engineering, and oilfield chemistry.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for distinguished service to the Energy and Fuels Division as Program Chair, symposia organizer, representative for District I, and long-standing technical reviewer for ACS journals.

Warner, Don L.
Boise State University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for a long-term commitment to excellence in teaching, mentoring, and training of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students and for improving the undergraduate research experience for thousands of students.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service to the ACS Committee on Project SEED as an outstanding committee chair and for enhancing and expanding Project SEED’s impact and reach during the global pandemic.

Winfield, Leyte L.
Spelman College
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing approaches for nurturing agency and academic mobility of diverse individuals to ensure diversity, equity, inclusion and respect in STEM and for patenting molecules effective against cancers disproportionately impacting African Americans.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exceptional service through the Committee on Professional Training by helping to guide strategies for international engagement and DEIR, and advancing DEIR through work on the Division of Professional Relations Journal of Chemical Education advisory board, and workshops, and symposia.

Woznack, Kimberly A.
Pennsylvania Western University
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for design of a chemistry studio facility and curriculum, mentoring of undergraduate research projects, and supporting women in chemistry.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary leadership of the national Women Chemists Committee and her service to the Pittsburgh Local Section as Councilor and as Chair and for facilitating the implementation of strategic plans.

Yang, Shu
University of Pennsylvania
Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding contributions to the novel design, synthesis, assembly, and fabrication of multi-scaled, responsive, foldable, buildable and bioinspired polymeric materials and their composites.
Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for dedicated services to the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering and broader leadership in strengthening outreach to the extended polymer communities.

Contact Us
ACS Fellows Program
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20036
Email: fellows@acs.org