ACS Fellows Program Purpose

The purpose of the ACS Fellows Program, one component of the broader ACS Awards Program, is to recognize and honor members of the American Chemical Society for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the science and the profession and for their equally exemplary service to the Society.

Although the Fellow designation has been adopted by many professional societies, the criteria for awarding this designation vary significantly from society to society. For some, such as the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Fellow designation indicates a senior membership level, signifying that the individual has attained a particular status within the profession. For others, such as the American Physical Society, the designation indicates that the individual has been recognized by their peers for significant contributions to the science. The ACS Fellows Program, however, uniquely recognizes a different standard of achievement and service.

The Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACSF) designation is awarded to a member who, in some capacity, has made exceptional contributions to the science or profession and has provided excellent volunteer service to the ACS community.

Read the program announcement in the January 19, 2009 issue of C&EN for additional information.

Nominations for the 2025 Class of ACS Fellows are open from February 1 to April 1, 2025.

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ACS Fellows Program
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20036