2023 ACS Fellows

The 2023 Fellows were announced in the July 27, 2023 issue of Chemical & Engineering News and recognized during a hybrid ceremony at ACS Fall 2023.

List of All ACS Fellows (.xlsx)



Scott Bagley (2023 ACS Fellow)

Bagley, Scott

Pfizer, Inc.

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the discovery and synthesis of multiple clinical candidates, new reaction development through scientific collaboration with academic researchers, and leadership in mentoring and outreach activities.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service to the Organic Division through excellence in symposium planning, including the widely viewed Virtual Symposium series, and contributions to award committees.

Patricia A. Baisden (2023 ACS Fellow)

Baisden, Patricia A.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Retired)

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for scientific leadership in nuclear fission, actinide and lanthanide chemistry research, and contributions to the realization of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) to achieve inertial confinement fusion with lasers.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for establishing and stewarding the Department of Energy/ACS Nuclear Chemistry Summer Schools program for the past 39 years and for distinguished service as chair and councilor to the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology.

Vahe Bandarian (2023 ACS Fellow)

Bandarian, Vahe

University of Utah

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the discovery and mechanism of enzymes that catalyzes complex radical-mediated transformations, and for leadership in mentoring of junior scientists.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leading the program for the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry by substantially expanding the programming to provide numerous opportunities for younger scientists to present at the meeting.

Paul W. Bohn (2023 ACS Fellow)

Bohn, Paul W.

University of Notre Dame

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions to the analytical sciences evidenced by seminal advancements in nanofluidics, nanophotonics, and nanoelectrochemistry to achieve new avenues of chemical analysis in mass-limited samples.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership in the Analytical Division, especially for enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, reinvigorating long-range planning, and steering the division through the challenges presented by the global pandemic.


Wilfred Chen (2023 ACS Fellow)

Chen, Wilfred

University of Delaware

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering contributions to Synthetic Biology, Environmental Biotechnology and Biosensing through dynamic tuning of cellular phenotypes, creation of synthetic scaffolds for biosynthesis, and of modular protein nanocarriers for cancer therapeutics.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for invaluable service to the ACS Division of Biochemical Technology (BIOT) community by serving as the ACS BIOT program chair in 2007, and organizing several other technical sessions in BIOT programming over the years.

Qiang Cui (2023 ACS Fellow)

Cui, Qiang

Boston University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for extensive theoretical and computational contributions to the understanding of complex biomolecules, as well as the development of novel computational models for these systems.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for dedication and service in the national ACS Division of Physical Chemistry as the secretary/treasurer.


Kerry M. Elkins (2023 ACS Fellow)

Elkins, Kelly M.

Towson University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as the co-editor of the ACS Symposium book International Ethics in Chemistry: Developing Common Values Across Cultures and author of Chapter 7: Ethics of Data Sharing.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as a member and secretary of the ACS Division of Professional Relations (PROF). This includes membership in the Ethics Subdivision. Additionally, for integrating PROF work with member activities on the Committee on Ethics.

Gregory S. Engel (2023 ACS Fellow)

Engel, Gregory S.

University of Chicago

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the design and use of multidimensional femtosecond spectrometers, and for probes of quantum dynamics in complex systems leading to the discovery of coherent dynamics in photosynthesis.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership to the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry, helping design and lead fundraising efforts for the E. Bright Wilson Award, and guiding the creation of new awards to recognize young physical chemists.


Hongyou Fan (2023 ACS Fellow)

Fan, Hongyou

Sandia National Laboratories

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding contributions to the novel design, synthesis, functionalization, and integration of nanoscale colloids leading to innovative applications in nanoelectronics, clean energy, sensor development, and photocatalysis.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for impactful service in organizing ACS symposia, promoting the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, STEM outreach events, ACS journal publications, and the ACS Petroleum Research Fund program.

Lynn Carol Francesconi (2023 ACS Fellow)

Francesconi, Lynn Carol

Hunter College

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for scientific leadership in radioactive metal research and applications, with long-term work in Technetium chemistry, and for the inspiration and encouragement of young scientists into nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service as National Director of the Department of Energy/ACS Nuclear Chemistry Summer Schools (NCSS; 2019–present). This capstone program introduces students to nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry, an area of national need.


Michael Gerken (2023 ACS Fellow)

Gerken, Michael

University of Lethbridge, Canada

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding contributions to synthetic/structural inorganic fluorine chemistry; most notably, high-coordinate transition-metal compounds, weak intermolecular interactions, and the isolation of protonated ketones and aldehydes in the solid state.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Served as the ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry chair, established a doctoral thesis award in fluorine chemistry, expanded the horizon of divisional activities, and organized numerous international conferences and symposia.

Karen I. Goldberg (2023 ACS Fellow)

Goldberg, Karen I.

University of Pennsylvania

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for exceptional contributions to the advancement of organometallic chemistry and catalytic systems to efficiently produce chemicals and fuels from abundant feedstocks, and for advocating for DE&I in chemistry.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for inspired leadership on numerous national and international organizations that enhance the ACS community, including impactful service to the Division of Inorganic Chemistry, the ACS Committee on Meetings & Exposition, and ACS journals.

Jillian L. Goldfarb (2023 ACS Fellow)

Goldfarb, Jillian L.

Cornell University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for novel work on the integrated biorefinery by advancing policy-relevant, economically viable pathways to upcycle carbon into renewable fuels and sustainable materials and furthering public understanding of science.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as Fall 2022 ACS National Meeting Theme co-chair, former program chair and current councilor of the Division of Environmental Chemistry, and policy statement writer for the Committee on Environmental Improvement.

Jamie C. Grunlan (2023 ACS Fellow)

Grunlan, Jamie C.

Texas A&M University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering the field of environmentally-benign, polyelectrolyte-based flame-retardant nanocoatings for polymeric materials and leadership on polymer nanocomposite-based gas barrier materials for protecting food and flexible electronics.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding service to ACS Divisions of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering (PMSE) and Polymer Chemistry (POLY) through organization of POLY workshops and administrating the PMSE Fellows program.


Ive Hermans (2023 ACS Fellow)

Hermans, Ive

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for seminal work in developing new catalytic materials and elucidating reaction mechanisms utilizing kinetic and spectroscopic techniques, combined with theory and simulations to describe the fundamental, underlying atomic-level chemistry.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for dedicated involvement in national and local meeting programs and his strong advocacy in engaging researchers and students in energy and fuels research.

Robert M. Hoyte (2023 ACS Fellow)

Hoyte, Robert M.

SUNY Old Westbury

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for integrating impactful research on the synthesis of radiolabeled biomolecules with programmatic and hands-on mentoring and encouragement of underrepresented minority students to enter chemical and chemically-related biomedical science.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for nearly five decades of leadership and service to ACS national committees and the New York section focusing on advancing the inclusion of the underrepresented in the chemical sciences.


Robin M. Izzo (2023 ACS Fellow)

Izzo, Robin M.

Princeton University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing comprehensive chemical and laboratory safety programs at academic institutions, and leadership in the chemical and laboratory safety and emergency preparedness fields on a national level.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for outstanding service and leadership to the Division of Chemical Health and Safety and the Committee on Chemical Safety and for contributions to ACS initiatives to communicate safety chemical practices.


Philip Gregory Jessop (2023 ACS Fellow)

Jessop, Philip Gregory

Queen's University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for research that has shown that waste carbon dioxide can be used as a trigger for stimuli-responsive materials that reduce energy and materials consumption in industrial processes and products.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as a leader in the green chemistry community worldwide and for working with the ACS and other organizations to promote green chemistry research, commercialization, and education.


Ann Carol Kimble-Hill (2023 ACS Fellow)

Kimble-Hill, Ann Carol

Indiana University Indianapolis

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for leading ACS DEIR scholarship in diversifying chemistry pipelines, improving laboratory training environments, and pioneering advances in lipid dynamics that underlie breast cancer initiation and metastasis.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exceptional and passionate dedication in advancing the ACS DEIR core value, mentoring underrepresented and disadvantaged students in programs like ACS Project SEED, and catalytic leadership of the ACS Committee on Minority Affairs.

Ranjit T. Koodali (2023 ACS Fellow)

Koodali, Ranjit T.

Western Kentucky University

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the advancement of materials and their applications towards photochemical conversion of solar energy, environmental remediation, and biological applications.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership at every level of ACS including the Energy and Fuels Division, Sioux Valley Local Section, and outreach to the community.

LaShanda Korley (2023 ACS Fellow)

Korley, LaShanda

University of Delaware

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for innovative and fundamental investigations utilizing architectural design and manufacturing techniques enabled by materials chemistry and engineering to develop functional, responsive, and adaptable polymeric materials for sustainability and healthcare.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for developing programming for engaging diverse scholars and building an inclusive community within the chemical sciences through mentoring service in the ACS Scholars program and engagement in the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division.


Qing X. Li (2023 ACS Fellow)

Li, Qing X.

University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for outstanding editorship and editorial contributions to ACS and non-ACS journals as well as innovative research contributions to pesticide chemistry, toxicology, and food safety.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service in the ACS Division of Agrochemicals and awards committee leadership, conference and symposia programming and organization, outreach to the international science community, mentoring, and promoting sustainable agrochemical research.


Leigh R. Martin (2023 ACS Fellow)

Martin, Leigh R.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant contributions to actinide and lanthanide separations chemistry, the application of thermodynamics and kinetics to developing novel separations, degradation of separations systems, and exceptional mentoring of young scientists.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for contributions and leadership in the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC) Division, including, programming, modernization of the I&EC Executive committee communications, and promoting colleagues for awards and volunteer recognition.

Luciano Mueller (2023 ACS Fellow)

Mueller, Luciano

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the invention of the 1H-detected heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) spectroscopy, which demonstrated the potential of harnessing the high sensitivity of proton-mediated detection of information-rich spectra of low-sensitivity nuclei.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for being the 2016 section chair, focused on improving member participation, establishing a successful mentoring program for younger chemists, and increasing the member participation at meetings through the use of telecommunication.

Kristen L. Murphy (2023 ACS Fellow)

Murphy, Kristen L.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for research that advances methods of quantifying the nature of testing in chemistry as a form of assessing student learning and aligning curricular goals with measurable assessment tools.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership of the American Chemical Society Examinations Institute and the rapid development of remote deliverable assessment tools in response to the emergency pivot to online courses required due to the pandemic.


Chip Nataro (2023 ACS Fellow)

Nataro, Chip

Lafayette College

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant research with undergraduate students in the chemistry of metal compounds containing bis(phosphino)metallocene ligands and leadership in the Interactive Online Network of Inorganic Chemists.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for serving on the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry executive committee, organizing symposia for the undergraduate research community at national ACS meetings, and contributing to ACS Exams Institute committees.


Marina A. Petrukhina (2023 ACS Fellow)

Petrukhina, Marina A.

University at Albany, SUNY

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as a pioneer and world expert in organometallic and coordination chemistry of curved and twisted nanographenes and for championing diversity and inclusion in education; and NSF CAREER Awardee 2006–2011.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for dedicated service to the ACS as chair of the Committee on Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), organizer/chair 2021 ACS “PRF at 65” Symposium, ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry councilor, awards/journal board member, and conferences chair.

John J. Piwinski (2023 ACS Fellow)

Piwinski, John J.

JJPiwinski Pharma Consulting, LLC

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for significant contributions to the discovery of therapeutic agents, several of which have been approved for clinical use. Oversaw the Medicinal Chemistry Department for nine years at major pharmaceutical company, Schering-Plough.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for significant contributions to the continuing education of organic and medicinal chemists by inviting speakers, organizing symposia, and co-chairing North Jersey Section of ACS (NJACS) Project SEED.


Wael M. Rabeh (2023 ACS Fellow)

Rabeh, Wael M.

New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for the use of enzymes with disease relevance to characterize their mechanism for drug discovery and design. Enzymes that are central to cancer and SARS-CoV-2 can provide safe and effects therapeutics.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as the founding chair of the ACS Chapter in the United Arab Emirates, faculty advisor for the student chapter, point-of-contact for the ACS in the Middle East, and conference organizer.

Karthikeyan Ramasamy (2023 ACS Fellow)

Ramasamy, Karthikeyan

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for impactful research in green chemistry, sustainable aviation fuels, and renewable chemicals that have advanced the technologies towards commercialization in these hard-to-decarbonize sectors.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service to the ACS Catalysis Science and Technology Division in multiple board roles, in technical programming, and in creating strategic partnerships that support participation of early-career members of the community.

Theresa M. Reineke (2023 ACS Fellow)

Reineke, Theresa M.

University of Minnesota

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for pioneering discoveries in sustainable polymers, biomaterials for delivery of nucleic acids, proteins, and drugs, in addition to field leadership as editor-in-chief of the ACS journal Bioconjugate Chemistry.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service to the ACS Polymer Chemistry (POLY) and Polymeric Materials Science & Engineering (PMSE) Divisions including organization of numerous workshops, symposia, and founding/advising the UMN POLY/PMSE Student Chapter.

Leah Riter (2023 ACS Fellow)

Riter, Leah


Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for catalyzing change across the global agricultural scientific community, fostering cross-sector and transdisciplinary collaborations to drive innovative solutions, and championing green analytical technologies to improve laboratory sustainability and safety.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for shaping the future of the Agrochemicals Division and ACS through long-term, award-winning leadership, dedicated volunteerism, and passionate advocacy for the development of future scientific leaders.

Michelle Rivard (2023 ACS Fellow)

Rivard, Michelle


Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as an expert in gas chromatography for siloxane characterization, including the mentorship of countless technicians on key analyses and the perks of a fulfilling career in the chemical industry.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for service fo two decades as an officer in the Midland Local Section, the Mid-Michigan Technician Group, the Committee on Chemical Technicial Professionals, Project SEED, and the Analytical Division, winning 11 awards.


Omowunmi "Wunmi" Sadik (2023 ACS Fellow)

Sadik, Omowunmi "Wunmi"

New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for visionary leadership in green synthesis, nanosensors, and nanomaterials to improve sustainable applications, human health, and the environment.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as the founder of the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry/Sustainability and Green Technology subdivision, mentored new chemists, and served as Local Section chair, technical chair of Northeast Regional Meeting, ACS symposia organizer, and ACS Symposium Series co-editor.

Paul Michael Scola (2023 ACS Fellow)

Scola, Paul Michael

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as the leader of the chemistry team that identified asunaprevir which, in combination with daclatasvir, demonstrated for the first time that an HCV infection could be cleared without immune stimulation.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized as the co-organizer of 26 sessions at National ACS Meetings, a member of the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Long Range Planning Committee 2014–2019, and part of the planning committee for the National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, 2024.

Yuyan Shao (2023 ACS Fellow)

Shao, Yuyan

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for groundbreaking discovery of new mechanisms in electrochemical energy storage and conversion using earth abundant materials.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for the distinguished service in innovative and inclusive technical programming and leadership of the Energy and Fuels division as chair and program chair.

Carsten Sievers (2023 ACS Fellow)

Sievers, Carsten

Georgia Institute of Technology

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for contributions introducing new catalytic pathways and concepts of energy input for converting renewable carbon resources guided by spectroscopic catalyst and process characterization.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for establishing the technical program of the Catalysis Science and Technology Division as its first program chair and contributing to the growth of the division by mentoring successors.

Samuella B. Sigmann (2023 ACS Fellow)

Sigmann, Samuella B.

Appalachian State University (Retired)

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for efforts to improve safety education in laboratories and classrooms where chemicals are used and service as an expert witness for best safety practices in chemistry demonstrations.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for leadership of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety and the Division of Chemical Health and Safety, and sustained efforts to improve and communicate best practices in chemical safety education.

Christopher M. Stafford (2023 ACS Fellow)

Stafford, Christopher M.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for developing precise layer-by-layer methods to fabricate ultra-thin polymer films, sensitive measurements that quantify their mechanical properties and structure-property-processing relations to facilitate their use in industrial coatings and separations membrane.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for decades of service to the ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division’s operations and technical programming, enhancing ACS National Meetings, and ambassadorship of this ACS community with industry, academia, and other professional societies.


Mary P. Watson (2023 ACS Fellow)

Watson, Mary P.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for methodology for Ni catalyzed crosscoupling of alcohols and amines; major innovations include reagents and methods for constructing complex C(sp3) bonds using inexpensive substrates, non-traditional electrophiles, and earth-abundant catalysts.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for transformative vision and leadership within and beyond the organic chemistry community; co-founded and co-organizes the Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry (EWOC) conference among other contributions that shape the field.

Jane E. Wissinger (2023 ACS Fellow)

Wissinger, Jane E.

University of Minnesota

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized for advancing green and sustainable chemistry education through development and dissemination of modern, green laboratory curriculum.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for consistent and creative green chemistry education programming at National ACS meetings and Green Chemistry & Engineering conferences, as well as service on the Committee on Environmental and Sustainability.

H. Lee Woodcock III (2023 ACS Fellow)

Woodcock III, H. Lee

University of South Florida

Contribution to the Science/Profession: Recognized as a world-leading expert in the development and application of multi-scale simulation methods, with particular emphasis on hybrid QM/MM methods, free-energy simulation techniques, and the combination of the two.

Contribution to the ACS Community: Recognized for exemplary service to the ACS and Division of Computers in Chemistry (COMP), including serving as COMP program chair for eight years, ACS National Committee member/chair, and alternative councilor.


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ACS Fellows Program
American Chemical Society
1155 16th Street NW | Washington, DC 20036
Email: fellows@acs.org