Matthew Diasio, Ph.D.
Matthew Diasio earned his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at the University of Virginia. His research focused on the production and use of colloids in advanced manufacturing, with a focus on studying mechanisms of graphene exfoliation in liquids.
In graduate school, Matthew was active in policy and outreach. As Vice Chair of the Graduate Engineering Student Council and Community Outreach Chair of the Science Policy Initiative at UVA, he advocated for graduate students and worked to increase professional development and public engagement opportunities. Through Cville Comm-UNI-ty and the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society, Matthew organized outreach and educational opportunities for the broader public. He is also active in policy education and fostering local engagement through the National Science Policy Network.
Matthew also co-founded the new state-level science policy fellowship in Virginia. The Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering & Science Fellowship started in 2020 and places graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in policy offices across Virginia for the summer.
After graduate school, Matthew spent the summer as an AAAS Media Fellow reporting on science for the Raleigh News & Observer.
Matthew grew up in Louisville, KY and earned a bachelor’s degree in physics at Rice University.
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