
The Council meeting will be held Wed, March 26 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel beginning at 8:00 a.m. PT

Governing Bodies of the American Chemical Society

"The popular deliberative assembly of the SOCIETY shall be known as the Council, which shall be composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Directors, the Past Presidents, the Executive Director, the Secretary, and Councilors representing Local Sections and Divisions, all of whom shall be known as voting Councilors, if MEMBERS of the SOCIETY. Twenty percent of elected Councilors shall be elected by Divisions and 80% shall be elected by Local Sections. Each Division and each Local Section shall elect Councilors and Alternate Councilors as provided in the Bylaws. In addition to performing such duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY, the Council shall act as an advisory body in matters pertaining to the general management of the SOCIETY."

“The Council also shall include as nonvoting Councilors persons whose SOCIETY positions enable them to contribute special knowledge and viewpoints to Council debate or to benefit in the discharge of their SOCIETY responsibilities from Council discussion, as specified in the Bylaws." [ACS Constitution, Article VI]"

ACS Spring 2025

District Councilor Caucus – Schedule Changes

The schedule for the District Councilor Caucuses to be held before the Council meeting on Wednesday, March 26, has changed. Please select the Councilor Caucus button below to review the specific District Caucus details. Please contact the Office of the Secretary at if you have questions.

Previous Council Agendas

Council Minutes

Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

Other Council Related Items

Town Hall Update for Committees: McKinley Advisors Review
On October 26, 2023, the Committee on Committees held a Town Hall for ACS Council-related Committees:

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