ACS Bridge Program

Promoting inclusion and belonging in graduate education in the chemical sciences

The ACS Bridge Program aims to strengthen the pipeline of qualified doctoral candidates in the chemical sciences, by providing support to students including those from historically marginalized groups. The program recognizes the potential for all students to excel in the chemical sciences, and provides resources to help individuals overcome barriers to success.

What is the Right Bridge Experience for You?

Bridge Fellows

Get research experience, expert mentoring, financial support, and more! Find out if you qualify to be an ACS Bridge Fellow!

Interested in Becoming a Bridge Department?

ACS Bridge Departments offer research opportunities, mentorship, and academic support to equip promising students from backgrounds, preparing them for success in graduate chemistry programs. This comprehensive approach enhances their academic skills and fosters a strong foundation for future leadership.

Impact of the Bridge Program


ACS Bridge fellowships awarded since 2019


of ACS Bridge Fellows have matriculated to Ph.D. Programs

Demographic Distribution of ACS Bridge Fellows, 2019-2024

Hispanic/Latino/Spanish Origin: 40.7%

Black/African American: 32.9%

Multiracial: 12.9%

American Indian/Alaskan Native: 2.9%

White/Caucasian: 2.9%

Do not wish to provide 6.4%

Are you a current Bridge Fellow or Alumni?

Engage and network with the ACS Bride Program community on Slack!

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Institutions that support the ACS Bridge Program

The Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) is a part of the NSF INCLUDES National Network of individuals, organizations and alliances striving to broaden participation in STEM. NSF INCLUDES envisions a nation where everyone has opportunities for success in STEM.

The American Chemical Society is one of five leading scientific societies that have formed the IGEN to promote inclusion and belonging in graduate studies in the physical sciences.

The ACS Bridge Project (Bridge Program and Bridge Travel Awards) has support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant NSF-1834545, the Genentech Foundation, Lilly, DuPont, Bristol Myers Squibb, and the American Chemical Society. The ACS Bridge Travel & Career/Professional Development Awards are partially supported by PPG Industries Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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