How to Host A Site Visit with Policymakers
Plan Ahead
- Contact your institution's goverment affairs office about hosting a lawmaker before making any arrangements.
- Decide on a format for the visit (see the suggestions below).
- Develop a plan for building an audience and generating media attention.
Find Out When
- Check the days Congress is in session to find out when your elected official is on break and likely to be in their home district or state.
- Federal holidays and the month of August are often good times as Congress is in recess.
Invite Your Legislator
- Find your Member of Congress and call or email to inquire about the member's availability and interest.
- Inform the office if the event will be covered by media or open to the public.
- Tip: Let the office know of any publicity or recognition you have received regarding a similar past event. Positive coverage will make lawmakers more likely to come!
- Tip: Let the office know of any publicity or recognition you have received regarding a similar past event. Positive coverage will make lawmakers more likely to come!
- Follow-up with an email or phone call to the district office if you do not hear back to your initial request.
Hold your event
- Be ready for unanticipated delays. Members of Congress are famous for running late due to busy schedules.
- Be sure to take plenty of pictures for your institution or local section newsletter
- Make sure to give your legislator a chance to talk to the audience.
Follow up with a thank you
- Write a thank you note to the official. This is especially important if your goal is to establish a relationship.
- Make sure to highlight any positive press generated by your event.
Hosting Ideas
- Hold a poster session to highlight federally-funded research.
- Ask a legislator or chair of the school board to present awards to students or teachers.
- Local Section Activities: Invite a public official to speak at a Local Section meeting or public outreach activities.
- Your Local Section’s National Chemistry Week or Chemists Celebrate Earth Day events are great opportunities.
- Lab Tours: Invite legislators to tour your laboratory or workplace can showcase the chemical research and production taking place in their district.
- Hold a symposium on a public affairs topic.