ACS Endorses Three Climate Change-Related Bills
February 28, 2022
Today the American Chemical Society (ACS) endorsed three climate change-related bills:
- Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s Future Act or the CLEAN Future Act, H.R. 1512, which creates requirements and incentives to reach 50 percent emissions by 2030 and 100 percent emissions reductions by 2050. Read the ACS Endorsement of the Clean Future Act.
- Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, H.R. 2307, which would put a price on carbon and return proceeds to people via an annual dividend. Read the ACS Endorsement of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.
- National Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act, S. 3531, which would establish up to five interagency working groups under a Chief Resilience Officer focused on climate change resiliency at the federal level. Read the ACS Endorsement of the National Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act.