Mexican Coke tastes different than American Coke; after all, it’s sweetened using cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup. That, at least, was the conventional wisdom until 2011, when a paper published in the journal Obesity found that Mexican Coke contained no cane sugar. Instead, the authors found plenty of glucose and fructose, which are the main ingredients in high-fructose corn syrup. Join our Reactions host George as he tests a bottle of Mexican Coke and confirms — to his utter surprise — the presence of glucose, then follows this mystery step by step to its shocking conclusion.
- Is Mexican Coke Better? | The Food Lab, Drinks Edition
- Fructose content in popular beverages made with and without high-fructose corn syrup - ScienceDirect
- Re. “Fructose content in popular beverages made with and without high fructose corn syrup” - ScienceDirect
- Laboratory Determined Sugar Content and Composition of Commercial Infant Formulas, Baby Foods and Common Grocery Items Targeted to Children
- The Story of Mexican Coke Is a Lot More Complex Than Hipsters Would Like to Admit | Smithsonian
- Fructose content and composition of commercial HFCS-sweetened carbonated beverages | International Journal of Obesity
- The Soft Drinks Companion | A Technical Handbook for the Beverage Indu
- Sugar, a user's guide to sucrose : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- Degradation of Sucrose, Glucose and Fructose in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions Under Constant pH Conditions at Elevated Temperature: Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry: Vol 19, No 9
- Sucrose Loss and Color Formation in Sugar Manufacture | SpringerLink
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- What Are Reducing Sugars? – Master Organic Chemistry
- Influence of acid and sugar content on sweetness, sourness and the flavour profile of beverages and sherbets - ScienceDirect
- Rapid analysis of glucose, fructose and sucrose contents of commercial soft drinks using Raman spectroscopy - ScienceDirect
- High Fructose Corn Syrup Questions and Answers | FDA