Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals

What We Do

The mission of the Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals (CTP) is to support, advance, and recognize the chemical technical professional.

The goals of the CTP are to:

  • Create, identify, and disseminate tools for the professional development of CTPs.
  • Highlight accomplishments of chemical technical professions through awards and recognition.
  • Work with stakeholders inside and outside the American Chemical Society.

Who We Are

The duties of this committee shall include the following, inter alia: (a) coordinate the SOCIETY’s interests in the development and activities of technicians/applied chemical technology professionals; (b) facilitate communication between the SOCIETY, employers, and other technical and professional societies concerning critical issues of common interest in the area of technician/applied chemical technology professionals’ activities; (c) provide continuing support for the SOCIETY’s educational programs for technicians/applied chemical technology professionals by assisting in the development, review, and promotion of appropriate SOCIETY education materials; and (d) enhance the professional image and development of technicians/applied chemical technology professionals.
From: ACS Governing Documents

Join CTP!

Are you an applied chemical technical professional and would like join the ACS Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals?  If so, submit your committee assignment preferences to the online committee preference form or contact us at Please note that your ACS membership must be in good standing in order to complete your committee preferences.

Featured CTP News & Announcements 

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Contact Us

Send an email for more information about CTP or to inquire about serving on the committee.